Hi All, not sure if this is the right group to post in. If not, please point me in the right direction.
So I’ve noticed that at the beginning of my daughter’s kip. When doing her glide extension, her legs aren’t stretched all the way out and her but sticks out.. if that makes since, she’s in a...
okay so today at practice i spent quite a lot of time on upstarts (kips) and i don't feel like i'm getting anywhere/ i have the first two parts of the upstart but i'm struggling with the last one. i can glide and bring my legs to the bar perfectly fine but it's just being able to end it in front...
No, not in general, in the Kip! So I really like to understand how the skills my daughters are learning actually work and when I was watching bars recently I realized something about the Kip. After taking the feet to the bar, the gymnast isn’t pulling on the bar at all, but rather she is pushing...
My daughter is 10, and trying so hard to get her kip. She seems to have a problem with the final part “getting over the bar” any tips? Attached are two videos!
I'm struggling with connecting something out of a kip. I can do a baby cast out of a kip on the low bar but that's not enough for a cast handstand. I can't even connect a squat on for some reason - I always end my kip with my hips away from the bar and pushing down on the bar which is probably...
Does anyone know if a kip to straight body is an acceptable skill on p-bars? My athletes were starting their routine with this, then lifting their legs to a L sit. I was under the impression that it would count as 2 A skills. However, a judge recently told us that it would be a .3 deduction...
My daughter moved to her current gym last June and to progress to the next level (NGA level 4) she had to have her kip by the end of the summer. She had never attempted a kip, so really she had 6 weeks to learn one. It was obvious by the end of the summer that it wasn't going to happen. They...
My daughter has a kip with consistency. She had fairly straight arms until she started working kip to free hip/clear hip (not sure which) back into a kip. She is platinum if that helps. Now, she is back to just muscling her way through the kips. What can she do get straight arms on her kip...
in practice i work on high bar/low bar kips, tsuks and half on half off front tuck vaults (anyone know what those are called?) and I'm struggling with some so i would appreciate some advice!
I've been working on kips for a few months now and I know its getting better and I'm literally at...
So DD is currently training Xcel Platinum and their coach is having them heavily train clear hips and “cast away kips ”. DD has a pretty good clear hip (she drops fairly welll, gets good clearance at the end) but she can’t figure out how to fix the kip out of it. Her coach says she’s not...
I have gotten my kip and lost it multiple times, but now I kinda have it. Some days, I can do it with perfect form and straight arms, but other days, my wrists don’t shift and I get stuck at the top of the bar. Are there any tips or drills for this?
My new little level 3(she does have all level 3 skills) has just started working on kips. Some of the girls on her team are close to getting them, while mine is nowhere near, she doesn't even really understand how to do one. I asked her coach if I should be concerned, and she said no because she...
Hi all!
My daughter is an (AU) level 4 and is learning her Kip. She is super strong, one of the strongest in the levels program at her gym (and I do not say this as a bias parent but rather been told/seen for myself). She is struggling to get her Kip and has started to practice at home on our...
I'm new here to Chalk Bucket. I just got my kip the other day, and I keep on pulling myself up on one arm and then the other. How can I fix this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Here is a video reference. (its the last one)
What can gymnasts do to improve bent legs in kips?
I’ve had my kip for over a year and have advanced with many more bar skills including pirouettes but can’t seem to advance very easily with my kip. I recently developed an issue with bending my legs as they go up to the bar. It’s messed up my...
Hi everyone, first time posting. Hoping to get some help.
So dd has her kip since summer-ish I would say but she has a bent arm push-up kip and her coach has not told her how to correct this.
Is it just a matter of time and a bazillion kips or does she need to get her toes to her bars...
I'm trying to help my 7yr old with her kip. Individually she has the components looking good and has great strength, but when she puts it all together, just can't get the timing. I've searched through and had her watch countless YouTube videos, but it's just not improving. From my limited...
Ok, so DD is 16 and she wants to get to Excel Platinum. She is not confident in her bars at all... says its her weakest event. She needs to get her clear hip to a kip consistent before she can move up (hoping to move up this season). As of right now, she is doing the clear hip from standing on...
Hi there,
I'm new to coaching MAG gymnast kip, casts and didn't anticipate the problems with anatomical differences, and the pain that can cause during kip, casts.
What do male gymnasts do to prevent injuring themselves?
Thanks for your time,
I don't want to be the overly boastful weirdo so I'm keeping it anonymous, but I have to tell someone who might appreciate it. After about of month of infrequent attempts at team practices my daughter managed to perform two successful kips. I was trying to keep it low pressure on her but I...