Hi, I just have a quick question regarding compositional errors on high bar.
I am aware that a kip cast handstand needs to be preceded by either a half turn into back giant or grip change into front giant.
So, I was wondering: Could you kip cast handstand and change your left hand to under...
Hello! I'm having some trouble getting my shoulders over the bar on my glide kip, I was wondering if anyone has any drills to get my shoulders over the bar. And also getting my knees to the bar, which is rare but I need help because it is close to competition time! Thank you!
From ALV_Gymnast
So another post got me thinking. In almost every L4-L5 routine I have seen lately, including the USAG videos, there is a slight arm bend during the kip. What is acceptable, normal?
It seems almost impossible not to bend a tiny bit at the elbow for kip cast squat on.
I've been drilling, spotting almost everything I can think to do to help my l4's connecting their cast out of their kip. They look amazing when I spot over and over and over. Once they are on their....ew! Help! Maybe it's fear but we've done handstands and had them bail over the bar.
She is soooooo excited! HC and all the older girls were so sweet and happy for her. She smashed her foot on the low bar yesterday while doing squat ons, but still insisted on going to class today. She couldn't tumble, so she made the kip her mission today! So proud! :)
I recently had a back injury, which obviously led me to not train/condition.
I started training again about a month ago, and my kips have been terrible! I am hardly making any kips (long hang/glide) and it's stressing me out.
I believe that there are several factors that are contributing to my...
Is there an advantage to kipping, and casting with the legs together, vs. straddle?
It look pretty to straddle cast HS, but is it harder to pike HS?
What is more desirable?
My coach said before I am allowed to start training free hip to handstand pirouette I need to be able to do at least 3, better 5 "kip extensions", also called V-Hang to Inverted Hang and some of our little ones call it "short to lang hang". I hope you know what I mean!
Here is a video:
I can...
So tonight, I did my kip!
I really don't want to sound snotty, but the first time I did it, it was practically perfect. I had straight arms and it felt so effortless. I've had the strength for a while it was about timing for such a long time. The second and third time were not as clean and I...
My dd is 7 lv3. She has her lv4 skills but kip. Today, she got to kip without spot 3 times. After the 3 times, she couldn't make anymore. I can tell she's becoming frustrated. :/ she had been doing kip once/ week on average for about 15-20 min each time. any advice? How long does it usually take...
FINALLY after over a year of working on it she got it! Along with her stride circle, front hip, cut back and her double back handspring all within the past month. It seemed like she was stalled and not getting new skills for the LONGEST time and then BAM, she gets a bunch all at once. She now...
My gymmie is so close to getting her kip! However she isn't getting her wrists flipped over the bar. So when her upper body starts coming over the bar, she ends up pushing against the bar instead of pulling her self on top. I can not figure out how to get the video posted here. Is there any...
DD has her kip, but straight arms is hit or miss for her. She was talking about it yesterday and mentioned that her HC was telling her she needs to make sure her glide is more extended. However, this is where little girl stubbornness comes in. DD mentioned to me "But XX has short glides and...
About a week ago,I lost my kip. I can make it with almost straight arms, but I cant pull enough or shift my wrists to make it. I lose power right when I get on top of the bar. Any tips? My coach says I am very close, just that last part.
We worked on kip drills last night and I had them do some stem rises on our preschool bars. I had them show me a table top position, then bent their knees and shoot up to a front support on the high bar.
My question is, was I wrong to have them start in the table top position? Should I have...
so i have this skill but now im coaching and i have no idea what to tell the gymnasts in order to help them with the skill i keep demonstrating but im not sure what i should say to help them.. any comments and advice is appreciated!!