Bars at USAG Level 7

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gym monkeys mom

Proud Parent
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
So this weekend DD finally did all the skills needed for a decent bar routine. For her that means a lot. The routine needs form clean up work but all elements were there. Or so we thought.

Judges docked her .5 from start value for missing a SR cast above 45 degrees. What?? I read the updated version from July 08 of optional SR for level 7 it says 1 cast minimum of a (21 to 45 degress) from verticle 2 360 circling elements and a salto dismount.

Here is what DD does kip cast clear hip kip cast squat kip cast giant flyaway.

Where is the deduction coming from. Her coached asked they said no b level cast. BTW 3 of our 4 girls got docked this is not our first meet and we have never been docked before.

Any help would be great. I tried to load video clip but couldnt get it to load I will try again later
She does need one cast 45 degrees above horizontal to start out of a 10. That rule I believe was added two years ago, though I could be wrong on that. I haven't actually seen the book in a while.

Some judges are more lenient on others with the judging of what is 45 above horizontal, which could be a reason for the inconsistency you saw. On our team, it's rare for anyone to NOT get docked the .5 unless they get to handstand or pretty darn close, unless, like I said, we have a more generous judge.
HMMMM....I don't have any idea. My dd is about to compete L7 with a very similar routine. Kip-cast-handstand-kip-cast-freehip-handstand-squat on-kip-giant-giant-giant-layout flyaway. Our coach makes the girls go to handstand---mine is struggling a bit and has never actually done the dismount without a spot. Could be a problem:) She is only doing 1 meet to score out, but I am thinking we need all of the points we can get....Sorry I was no help, but am happy to hear the answer :)
Judges docked her .5 from start value for missing a SR cast above 45 degrees. What?? I read the updated version from July 08 of optional SR for level 7 it says 1 cast minimum of a (21 to 45 degress) from verticle 2 360 circling elements and a salto dismount.

This was a big problem for my daughter as well for quite awhile, and she couldn't score above 8.4 on bars until she hit the minimum height they were looking for. The key to the J.O. Rule is "21 to 45 degrees from vertical. Which I think means they are giving full credit for gymnasts in a handstand and anything ONLY 21 to 45 degrees BELOW that handstand. The vertical they refer to is the handstand position itself. I hope this helps!:)
This is how it reads exactly on the SR list from USAG revised July 2008

1. 1 cast-minimum of A (21-45 degrees from verticle)
2 & 3 Two 360 degree circling elemnts, both a minimum of B
-maybe same or different
-One from group 3, 6, or 7
4 Salto dismount, minimum of A

So I think they changed it or so it looks.

BTW the WI judges are way more lforgiving than here. We love to go to your meets we usually do the Salto Invite and score 1 to 2 points higher and never loose start values.

MN judges are way to tough. I heard a couple parents from out of state saying they would never come back here again the judging was so unfair. LOL we just live with it. Good thing DD isn't in it for the medals.

Anyways I just wondered was all about the routine. I do realize judging is very subjective and after all judges are only human
Nope that requirment has been around for at least 2 years. Here in Illinois you pretty much need to be in a handstand to be sure that they will count it towards the requirment. I know that when we went into Wisconsin for a meet, it was actually a bit easier. I was really hoping they would become a little more linent on the requirment this year, but they didn't. Maybe next year.
I can see how you and your DD could get really frustrated with different standards at different meets. Is your gymmie getting the casts close to the 45 degree point?
So if she falls over on the kip-cast-handstand or the clearhip handstand--does she get credit for the skill or does it just count as a fall?
Well the handstand requirment must be a cast handstand, a free hip handstand wouldn't count towards that requirement. But if your dd fell over on the kip cast handstand, I believe she wouldn't get the credit for the requirment and she would get the deduction for the fall as well.
Thanks gym monkeys mom for letting me piggy back on your question! :)
If you cast over, you get credit for a cast handstand. I guess you could come up with some exceptions, like if you bend your arms halfway up and turn it into a chin-stand, but normal cast overs do get credit.
Ok gasngo mom, jasmin916, and jls969, it is all becoming more clear to me. Ugh! Y​

You would think by the second year at 7 I would have figured it out. However bars last year were just bad and I paid no attention.​

It is all more clear. Yes most times she casts almost to handstand but, this meet she had been sick all week. Really things went poorly on the last 2 events. I think she was tired and then got bad advice from a teammate about beam sereise.​

The morale of this story just don't give them anything to wonder over and never think on beam just doo what you always do and take the deduction for no connection. LOL​

I do beleive she was above the requirement and the judges mad a bad call but Oh well ther is always next time.​

JLS969 you are welcome to piggyback anytime.​
Gym Monkey Mom -

I completely understand your frustration! There was not one meet last year that Beetle got credit for her cast. But there were several times where it appeared she did cast over 45.

In our state it appears that they are not getting credit for where their legs are but where their shoulders are.. So if they do a really archy cast (Like Beetle did last year) no credit...

Moral of the story - if Gym Monkey is working on her cast... have her try working Straddle casts... she is more likely to get credit for the ski..

It is strange to me that in L8 there is no cast requirement....
When looking at cast angles, you draw a line through the shoulders to the lowest point on their body.

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