Parents Competitive Gymnastics tuition costs

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Hey gang,

I’m in Canada and for our boy who’s been invited to our gym’s MAG Developmental Program (Compulsory), for a total of 4-6 hours a week, it costs about 400$ a month in tuition ( like 290 USD ).

i personally find it super expensive but, he likes the sport and assuming he progresses, was wondering if one, our gym is charging a high price for only those hours (he’s only 5 too), and two, how much has your gym charged for your kids tuition as they’ve progressed in gymnastics with same or more hours. I’d like to know what were getting into in case DS sticks with it for a bit lol.

Thanks gym community!
Definitely need to consider how many kids are in the group and also how much over lap of groups there is as often coaches have to cover 2 groups at the same time for part of the time anyway....a good gym that is genuiely interested in actually developing and supporting the competitive kids will have a realistic cap on the charge and not just increase fees everytime they increased hours. No joke most gyms make enough money from the lower levels and recreational programs that they can support their competitive kids. These competitive kids are great free advertising for them and attract many new kids to the clubs. Imo if the club don't show any interest in supporting the competitive group then that a red flag for sure.
I am in platinum at a YMCA (practices 9 hours a week). Monthly tutition is about $230 a month, and $315 a year for booster and meet fees.
We are also in Canada. We pay as follows for two different gyms, which is why there’s a big difference in the fees based on hours:
MAG - 24 hours / week $655/m
WAG - 25 hours / week $890/m

It’s really a lot but your fees do seem high for 4-6 hours per week. A lot might depend on your city but MAG programs are also slowly disappearing so perhaps some gyms need to charge more to keep the program.

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