Different scoring systems

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That video is Level 3 here in the US, and I think a lot of times (not always) Level 3 is judged a little more leniently than Level 4 and above. And I agree that even with my untrained eyes that didn't seem like a 9.8. My daughter is doing Level 3 here and has done some in house competitions. She always gets mid-8's to 9's but I guarantee that if it was "real" judging for these little ones that she'd probably be getting 5's or 6's.
Thats what I thought, that maybe this is GymStars? No way that was a 9.8, there were some obvious errors. I'd have been ticked off if my dd was competing against her.
I hate the new FIG scoring. Just been wanting to say that for a long time. I hope they never adopt in for JO or NCAA.

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