Do you have a say in your daughters Floor Music?

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I truly believe that when the coaches pick the music, they are not intentionally or maliciously dismissing the parents. When I first heard my dd's music I liked it - but it definitely is not something I would have picked or even have thought of - until I saw her routine. Her coach had something very definite in mind and spent a lot of time finding the right music. While I do spend a lot of money - I am paying for that expertise. Of course if I didn't like the routine I would probably be pitching a fit right now, but that's another story, lol.

Oh...and I agree bog...harsh tones and negativity are really not a productive means of communication. We are all here to support one another. Obviously not everyone is going to agree with everything people post, but nastiness isn't necessary.
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Our Gym has done it all. For a while they would choreograph several routines then hand them out to kids. This was done when my DD was just starting out in the sport. I remember watching Beetle learn her round off's while listening to the 'big girls' complian about how much they dislike their music or routines.

Now it is really a joint process. The coaches have a bunch of demo's to listen to.. sometimes they have a couple pieces in mind.. Sometimes they will even say, I think this one is great. DD and I found her first optional floor music. We played it to the coach that cheographs the music. She liked it. After the routine is complete they do it for the head coach and he makes final decision (That being said, I dont think he has ever denied a routine after completion).

They have turned down some music. Pop Music that has suggestive words or themes. One of Beetle Bug's Team mates wanted to do her routine to 'Centerfold'. Coaches said no way!

Now this year is time for new music... We have the same music for 2 years then change. One major decision in what music we pick is will DD be tired of it in 6 months. Some really cute music will get Cutesy in a short time.

Let me ask.. How often does your DD change Music?
Our girls change music every two years, though little Bog has had a new routine and music this year and last, and she probably will next year if she changes levels again.

Bigger Baby Bog, hah now that is hard to say, has had her music for two years and she can now change. She is not 100% certain that she will change as hers is a good fit and we rarely hear it used at meets, and never since she started using it, and no you can't have it!!!:p We will go through all the stuff that is on my computer and then check out the ton that the coach has, then we will cruise the free stuff online. Our coaches hubby is a talented musician and he can create a great piece from any song.

Some of our girls have kept their music longer as it is a good fit, others wish they could change sooner as they really loathe what they chose!:D

Probably avoiding really popular songs, movies and themes is a good idea if they have to use it for two years. Avoiding too ***y for a younger child or too cutesy for an older one is a good thing. (We'll try to ignore the USAG level 5 music here;)) When DD has narrowed it down to a few she likes, then she talk to the coach some more and the coach will try to work out what she can do choreo wise and then they'll decide the final piece together.

New floor music time is a great time in the gym, the girls just love it.

PS The word filter does not like the word S.E.X. apparently and xxx'd it out. Too funny, I can write the word gun or slasher or stalker:eek:, but not the word ***, only in North America!!!:D
Picking music for my L7 was a joint effort. The coach sent home a bunch of the demo discs from floorexpress and we listened to many many pieces of music. Then would write down the disc/track numbers gymmie and I liked(no we didn't always like the same thing). Then she would take the list back to her coach. Only rule was no techno music. After 3 rounds of that and the coach marking a couple of pieces as "maybes" we found the 1 that worked best. Basically it was a collaberative effort and I feel I had some input as parent, my gymmie felt satisfied that she had a say and then the coach narrowed it all down.

A couple of parents at the gym have selected music and after getting the coache's ok, have gotten it cut professionally etc.
To anyone I have offended, I am sorry, it was not my intention.

May I just say that coaches, especially those who are not owners, are seldom wealthy people trying to squeeze money from hard working parents. They drive crappy cars and struggle to make ends meet in a career which demands WAY more emotional, mental and physical investment than the paycheck can compensate for. Coaches who stay in the sport do it because they love the sport and the kids, not money. Coaches also have to let go of extremely talented athletes from time to time in order to preserve a program's integrity, and it can be heartbreaking.

It is understood when parents walk in the gym that they are paying for a service, and that they have choices as to remain or go elsewhere. Believe me, no one is questioning that...but I don't know it would ever help to remind a coach of that, and I'm not so sure it's great advise for other parents in dealing with coaches/owners.

That being said, this is a forum for parents to voice their opinion, so it is not my place to tell parents how to deal with coaches. I can understand venting when frustrated by a gym issue which appears impossible to resolve, and everyone deserves a place to do that.

I would just hope that no one would actually throw the "I pay the bills" thing into the face of someone who would be more than willing to do the job for free. Aside from the National Staff, there is very little recognition in this sport for thousands of coaches, so if it's not money or prestige, it has to be sincere love of sport.

And now I will stay out of the parents' forum so you can have at it.
Our floor coach allow the parents and gymnast to bring in their choices, but ultimately picks her own out that she feels will best suit the gymnast... she has actually never went with a parent choice yet, but does take consideration from the gymnast. I personally appreciate this because I would have absolutely no clue how to choreograph a floor routine LOL... I would be the one to end up with the pirate theme:D (JK)

lannamativity, I have to say I really enjoy the honesty of your responses and posts & can read that you have much experience as a competitive coach ... I read them all. (I would love to know what levels you train, if you feel comfortable to say)

( Bog, ya know I love ya girl! and thoroughly enjoy your posts & advice very much as well:p - c'mon a little spice around the CB is not so bad LOL )

No seriously I think all opinions, even if the come off as negative at times are important here. Ever perspective matters - love it!
Lanna, I know you are a great coach, it comes across in your advice, you know your stuff for sure.

I think what is often lost on boards of any kind is personality and a sense of humanity. We all try to put a bit of ourselves into our posts, but it doesn't always come across too well.

What I know for sure is that everyone here loves gymnastics. We really do love our coaches and gymnasts. I know for sure our coaches are not driving BMW's and living in LA style mansions, they have two jobs, kids to raise and families to please. In a word they are just like the rest of us.

It is always good to share our opinions with some humour or a IMHO thrown in, that just shows the humanity in us all.

I am always more than happy to share my thoughts and opinions, I hopefully try to toss in some humour even when I am not too amused! But I can accept that my opinion can over power in a small place like this.

What I also have learned is that there are so many different styles of coaching and types of club. Hopefully every coach, gymnast and parent can find the right fit

We all come here to learn from each other. In the future I will try to package my responses in a more introspective and less offensive way, that way I can share my thought without coming across as the nasty girl. Sorry:o:o:o
We get to pick our own, but it has to be approved by our coach. For example, I wanted to use Chellsie Memmel's floor music that she used at '03 Worlds, "Dancin' In The Light". After coach listened to it, though, she pointed out things that wouldn't work. Unfortunately, there were more negatives than positives, and I had to find another.

Turns out this way; I dug around a little bit more, and came up with a GREAT song by chance after listening to it in the car. "The Nicest Kids In Town" from Hairspray came on. Mom and I looked at each other and we're like, "Oh yeah. That's It." :D

Sent it off to the coach to have a listen and she said it fit my personality perfectly. And thus, happy gymnast, coach, and parent. :p
All of my experience with picking music is with the interclub program (somewhat older girls at somewhat lower levels: usually 9-14+ years old and level 3-6 equivalent). That being said, the parents are never or almost never involved in the music picking process. I've seen a wide range of methods.

One year there were two pre-choreographed routines for a group of eight girls (drove me crazy, especially when one of the routines stuck around for like 5 or 6 years).

Another few years the coach would pick a few pieces of music and the kid would have the final say.

Another year the coach would pick music that she thought would go well with the gymnast's personality and then run it by the gymnast to see if she liked it.

This year one of the coaches is reusing a bunch of old routines that hadn't overstayed their welcome yet and is teaching them to the different girls based on which ones will work the best on each girl (although my favourite routines rarely look as good once they are recycled).
the first year i got optional music, my coach picked out 3-4 songs for each girl, put them on a cassette tape (back in the day, lol) and told us to lock ourselves in a room and listen to them over and over again until we figured out which one we wouldnt get sick of.

my second time though, i was pretty old (like 16 i guess?) and the only optional at the time i think, so my coach just gave me all the floor express CDs and let me pick. i have to say, i was much happier with my second song than i was with my first (even though i still havent gotten to compete with it yet), but it works either way i guess. my parents didnt really have much of a say, but i let them listen to them all before i told my coach which one i picked.
Defering to the coach

I didn't mean to sound so negative earlier. And I sincerly apologize for that. I did say I defer to the coach on almost anything. And lookiing back, I probably have deferred to her on ...well, I guess on everything. But dd's coach has been gracious enough to keep me in the loop on things, whether it is about changing my daughter's beam routine to having some input(but not the final decision)on dd's floor music. Frankly, it would be stupid of me to try to have too much say so in the matter. Dd's director/coach is a former gymnast AND dancer while another coach is not only a former gymnast but also a musician and artist, too. I couldn't find a better pair to choose/ cut the music and to finally choreograph the routine.

I am one of those parents that understands the need to stay out of the way of the coach but one who also has a desire to be kept abreast of his daughter's training. My contribution to choosing my daughter's music was merely suggesting a style of music, flamenco, for the routine. It is understood by this parent, that the real pros take it from there. And the coach is smart enough to know how to deal with this parent.

We have endured good and bad circumstances with our club. We are one of the few optional families that have remained and persevered until things got better.
One of the reasons we did remain was because of the faith we had in our two remaining coaches and for the way they treated my daughter and my family...that is. not just as any paying customers.

To anyone I have offended, I am sorry, it was not my intention.

That being said, this is a forum for parents to voice their opinion...And now I will stay out of the parents' forum so you can have at it.

Hi Lannamavity,

Nope, unless I've misread it, it's Q&A open discussion, not the parent's forum. If I'm wrong, please mirror this to the Q&A.

In either case, please don't just bow have saved DD's coaches from questions that I know you coaches must get tired of hearing--the reasons for a specific distance between uneven bars for a small gymnast being one recent example. You and the other coaches add a great deal to this online community, and while I (and others, apparently!) may not agree with your point of view on everything, it's certainly been a source of insight. More often than not, I come away thinking, "oh, so it does make sense!"

And while I'm at it, a shout-out to all the other coaches who take the time to engage in these discussions. Funny, I'd been mentally writing something to that effect to post in the Coaches' Forum. It would suprise me greatly to learn that I'm the only one to log on nuturing a slow burn over lazy coaching or whatever, only to be completely caught off balance by a perfectly reasonable explanation given by an unknown coach at random to a stranger. Such is the magic of the internet!

PS, All you other parents and especially Bogwoppit, don't you bow out either!!! You are also part of what makes this place great!
We had a say in our dd's floor music. The coach gave us over 20 CDs to listen to. My dd did not find what she liked, so I searched online. She liked the music to "Toxic". Her coach hated it, so we ended up going with another song. If we did not find the other song, we would have still changed it, because it was around the same time that there was all the controversy with B. Spears in the news. With this sport being subjective at times, we did not want any unpleasant thoughts creeping into the minds of the judges.:o
I'm sorry if I offended anyone in my comment like on the first page of this. I have walking on sunshine one of my favorite songs and my mom but If I liked one and my mom didn't I wasn't not going to use it because my mom didn't like it............
For my dd's L7 routine, I had no say in the music. None of the gymnast do in our gym. It's part of the process, you wonder what the HC/O is going to pick for your dd. HC/O is an awesome choreographer and you know whatever you get is going to be great, so you don't worry.

Music is also original for every gymnast that gets a routine from our gym. We have a person who cuts the music and you will be guaranteed that nobody will have the same music as you. FYI - dd's music is called "Evil and Good."

HC/O knows our girls' personalities and tailors the routine to their strengths. Dd is a dancer and her music is more of a classical flair where she gets to show off her leaps and jumps.

My part in the process - write the checks, one for choreography and one for the music! :eek: Oh yeah, I get to tape it at the end of the day that she learned the routine - WOOT WOOT - I was actually allow down on the gym floor!
I am a parent and I had a say in my daughter's floor music. In fact, I asked for advice on this forum and that's how I found my dd's floor music. She loved it, and she wanted my opinion as much as I wanted to help her. The ultimate decision was then left to the choreographer, who loved it just as much. And yes, I do pay the bills. I also drive her to practice, take her to meets, pay for hotels, feed her proper meals, and make many phone calls not only to arrange choreography but to get her any help she needs to continue this sport. Not that it means anything, but it shows I'm interested in what she does and I want what is best for her. It's a joint effort.

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