Maturity and coachability are such a big part of gymnastics. In compulsories, my daughter competed level 3 for one season. Her coach was considering moving her to level 5 without competing level 4 because she had all her gateways (kips, squat on, handspring vault, flic flic, cartwheel, vertical handstand). No other 3 could do those skills and it seemed like a no brainer to move her up to 5, right?
My daughter would sulk when corrected and wouldn't make the changes necessary to fix her errors. So she competed a year at 4 and then had a great year at 5 rather than what I'm sure would have been a mediocre one.
Her coach knows our long term goals. We sit down a couple times of year and make plans that support her goals while taking into account her current strengths and weaknesses. So while it was HARD to console my kid when she didn't get to skip 4, ultimately the coach made the right call and I'm glad that I didn't "take my ball and go home."