Hammy level 9 help!

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Hammy or anyone else, Is a double layout full and a double back tuck (or) pike the same value? Beam bhs/blo how much more that a bhs bhs? Floor, FHSP FLO(full) or double? Thanks Again!
I believe a double back (tuck) on floor is a C and a double pike is a D. On beam a bhs is a B so bhs/bhs is B-B, no bonus. A bhs/blo is B-C (i'm pretty sure a layout is a C, it might be a D), which is bonus I believe. When I did competed 3 years ago, a front full on floor was a D, but I think they changed it to a C; because when I competed a front layout was a C, and I'm pretty sure they changed that to a B. I'm not sure about the front double full. Also, by double layout full, do you mean a double layout with a full twist? If so, I'm assuming that would be a Super E skill, but I'm not sure. I've been out of the optional world for about 3 years, so I may not be correct in what I've stated.

If anyone is able to correct something I've given incorrect info for please do! I really need to catch up on all the changes that have been made.
Hammy or anyone else, Is a double layout full and a double back tuck (or) pike the same value? Beam bhs/blo how much more that a bhs bhs? Floor, FHSP FLO(full) or double? Thanks Again!

For JO . . . .
--a back double layout full is a C
--a back double back tuck is a D
--a back double pike is a D
--a fhs/front single layout full is A+C for .1 bonus
--a fhs/front double layout full is A+E for .2 bonus

For JO . . . .
On Beam
--a bhs/bhs is B+B for no bonus
--a bhs/blo is B+D (new this year) for .1 bonus

Here are is a quick review of bonus at Level nine from Gymnstands. Level 10 is different because Ds receive bonus simply for being performed at Level 10. FIG/Elite is also totally different.

Level 9
C+C (both with flight or turn) = 0.20
C+C (one or neither with flight or turn; must be different elements if neither have flight or turn) = 0.10

Connections of dance elements or an acro element plus a dance element:
A+D/E = 0.10
B+C = 0.10
B+D = 0.20
C+C = 0.20 (if both elements are different)
C+C = 0.10 (if both elements are the same)

Connections of acrobatic elements:
B+D/E = 0.20
C+C or harder = 0.20
B+E = 0.20
B+B+C = 0.10

Connections of dance elements or an acro element plus a dance element:
C+C - 0.10
B+D - 0.10
C+D or harder - 0.20

Connections of acrobatic elements:
A+C or B+C - 0.10
A+D or harder - 0.20
C+C - 0.20
I believe a double back (tuck) on floor is a C and a double pike is a D. On beam a bhs is a B so bhs/bhs is B-B, no bonus. A bhs/blo is B-C (i'm pretty sure a layout is a C, it might be a D), which is bonus I believe. When I did competed 3 years ago, a front full on floor was a D, but I think they changed it to a C; because when I competed a front layout was a C, and I'm pretty sure they changed that to a B. I'm not sure about the front double full. Also, by double layout full, do you mean a double layout with a full twist? If so, I'm assuming that would be a Super E skill, but I'm not sure. I've been out of the optional world for about 3 years, so I may not be correct in what I've stated.

If anyone is able to correct something I've given incorrect info for please do! I really need to catch up on all the changes that have been made.

You are right Hammy that the front double layout full is rarely competed and that applies to JO as well as Elite. It's an E in JO and a D in FIG. A lot of junior internationals compete the Rudy (front 1.5 layout full) and I believe it is becoming more and more popular at elite. It is difficult to control the landing, however, which impinges its popularity.

As for competing Ds at Level 9, I'm not convinced that it helps a gymnast's score. There were very few Ds performed on any apparatus at Easterns and Westerns last year, although many top girls did have at least one "D" beam and some would do a double back or pike on fx (they were not often rewarded for it unless it was set properly and the landing stuck). There were a handful of back 2.5s as well.
I think as gymnastics is becoming more and more competitive gymnasts are beginning to do D level skills as level 9's because it helps prepare them for level 10. Once a gymnast reaches level 9/10 there are rarely a lot a changes made to routines because of the difficult level of the skills. As a level 9 I did a full blind change (giant full) on bars, which is a D, and that was about the only D I did. A few of my teammates competed a Rudy on floor and a back layout on beam as a level 9.

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