It sounds like you are focusing on hitting the handstand too much.
Focus more on hitting the vault on an angle with a lot of speed. You should be turned over soon after hitting the board, but before you ever touch the table. Im not sure if your coaches use the "super girl" metaphor, but you should be in a hollow position, a little short of the handstand by the time you hit the table. From there, flex your shoulers (put your shoulders at your ears) when your hands hit, and squeeze your rear end - and the really important part! Keep looking at your hands!! If you duck your head, you ruin the stretch, and you will fall short (unless you have a super fast run that will turn you over, but dont count on that since it's bad technique).
Over all, I agree.. it would help to see video, but it sounds like youre trying to hit a perfectly straight handstand instead of being a little short. You want your shoulders to act like a lever, and your body pivots over them.
I hope that helps!!
Good luck, and best wishes!!