Parents How many leotards/outfits does your daughter have?

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DD has probably 20 leos. But 4 are competition--they still fit, she just hasn't grown quickly--and 2/3 of the rest are hand-me-downs from other team girls. She's the youngest/smallest on the Optional team, so they've tended to trickle down to her. Up till this year, she was still younger/smaller than the compulsory girls, too, so there was no one to share hers with. But now there are a few younger ones if she ever outgrows any. Interestingly, she typically likes the hand-me-downs better than the ones we've bought!
Sometimes those have positive feelings attached to them depending on who they came from. GB had several from one of her favorite optionals at her old gym that she wore till her butt started hanging out of them.
I had about 10 leos--6-7 of which i wore all the time, but that's when I trained 6 days a week. Leos can be a bit pricey, one thing to check on is to see if any girls are selling old leos that don't fit them anymore. A lot of the time girsl will sell their leos that are too small for like $10, maybe even less. Leos are expensive, but I'm sure you're noticing that gymnastics is not a cheap sport at all!
too many

Embarassed to say, but she just counted, 53 I think. She had been doing gym for about 3 years and hasn't grown out of any of them. I blame it on her very generous grandmother:p.It is her thing I guess. When others want to shop at the mall, she wants a new leo. She is very attached to them and they all have significant meaning.
Embarassed to say, but she just counted, 53 I think. She had been doing gym for about 3 years and hasn't grown out of any of them. I blame it on her very generous grandmother:p.It is her thing I guess. When others want to shop at the mall, she wants a new leo. She is very attached to them and they all have significant meaning.

Grandma...yeah...we have Auntie Beth...SUPER SHOPPER!:uvula::eye-popping::spin:
ok Hailey has 12 a couple are hand me downs from big sister (who is a rec. gymnast:) ) and one I found at a garage sale for only $1 (her new "favorite" lol) the rest I did buy her, its fun! I have another I plan on buying her this next week, and we just ordered her warm up leotard (its the warm up team one she isn't old enough to compete level 4 yet, but they are going to do a couple level 3 just for experience before next year) and then we bought the warm up suit, boy our warm up suit is much more expensive than some of yours. the warm up leo was cheaper at $35, the jacket for the warm up is $140, the pants to go with are $35, if she were older the Long sleeved competition leo would be another $125. oh and all these prices were 25% off I guess we were told lol. YIKES!
My dd has 10. She also has a few that don't fit and I do not know what to do with them. I have looked for younger kids who may need them, but I do not know how to approach it. I may just ask the office person if she can just give them to someone she think may need them. They are expensive ones that my dd was outgrown. She barely wore them.
She loves her new leo, and just got her first pair of separate leo shorts,like the big girls.
I think my daughter must have about 15 (at this time)!!! Ebay is absolutely GREAT for nice, used leotards... I usually spend about 12.00 for the GK Elite Brand, and every one I've bought has been in perfect condition. I've also "Ebayed" ones she has outgrown... and in fact, and getting ready to list 3 long-sleeved competition ones. They cost so much brand new!
I agree whole-heartedly on ebay. My dd has about 12-15 and I've gotten most of them via ebay. It's hit or miss, but if you're persistent you can score big. Once I got a new with tags GK Elite in a nice shatterglass fabric for $2.50! I'd like to sell her old ones on ebay--if I can ever get them away from her. She likes to hang onto them, even if they no longer fit.

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