Parents L8 Video

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Proud Parent
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
It took me a while, but here is the video from dd's first L8 meet. Just to recap:

Bars: Disaster, didn't put video up!

Vault: Did her first tsuk!!!!, judge's said coached touched her. Score: 0 Check out the video. No touch.
YouTube - Emma's First Level 8 Meet- Vault

Floor: 8.8. Messed up her floor pattern, but nice tumbling.
YouTube - Emma's First Level 8 Meet - Floor

Beam: 8.3 Looked very nice. No connection
YouTube - Emma's First Level 8 Meet - Beam

She is doing a L7 meet on Sunday. (already paid for the meet and then she was moved earlier than planned to L8, so next L8 meet will be in Jan)

Thanks for watching!
She looked great! I can't believe the judges said the coaches touched her during her vault. Can't imagine what they were looking at. It was a very nice vault.
Coach was no where close to touching her! She's gonna have to look at this one as a personal victory :), I think it looked awesome
Vault looked good to me. Of course we weren't seeing it from the judges angle. She knows she did it and thats what really counts.

I couldn't really see any problem on floor---nice routine. Beam--she was so close to getting the connection. I'm sure she wanted to make sure she was square after the bwo and just paused 1/10 of a second too long. She was very solid. I don't think she hit a 180 split either. Great way to start a new level especially sooner than planned!
First word that came to mind was lovely! She has beautiful presentation on floor and beam.

Bummer about vault. She knows she did it, and I guess that's all that matters, but that's gotta be so frustrating for her. Clearly the coach was no where near to touching her, at least it's obvious from this angle. Oh well. Awesome meet! She did great!
Yeah, I couldn't see that the coach touched her. Tough judge! She's close to her connection on beam--hopefully she'll get it next time. Great score for not having it though!
Nice job!!!

I'm with everyone else, the judge def did not touch her on the vault. Not even close!

I'm sure this meet was a great stepping stone for her in starting L8 :)
That was great work for first L8.

Vault - I saw no touch but even if she was why would the score be 0?

Floor - Her little "screw up" is between her, you and the coaches. No one has to know. And, no judge would care. So what if she winged it. She did a terrific job just kept on going without showing a break.
Did you show the judge the video of her vault? Congrats to her for doing it!
Nicely done! Level 8 can be a tough judged level! She has lovely presentation on floor!

Vault - I saw no touch but even if she was why would the score be 0?


That was my question too. Correctly please if I am wrong but isn't the skill just devalued by 2.0 if a coach spots? If the coach does more than spot, like supports a skill the deduction can be more. But I didn't think it voided.
Thanks for all the kind words.

I think that the rules changed on vault only for this season. If a gymnast is spotted on vault the score is now a 0! It used to only be deduction now a zero!

Can any coaches/judges confirm?
Thanks for all the kind words.

I think that the rules changed on vault only for this season. If a gymnast is spotted on vault the score is now a 0! It used to only be deduction now a zero!

Can any coaches/judges confirm?

Boy I hope not. That's not how you encourage kids to want to continue.

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