WAG Level 10 Beam series?

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My daughter has done bhs layout stepout for the past few years as her series. She has some issues with her hip joint. The series is pretty painful, so in order to pull it off, she isn't using the best technique. Her back knee is very bent on the layout stepout because of the way she is throwing the skill. She just started playing around with back handspring back tuck. It is much less painful and it also looks better. Would it be a bad idea to switch to this series if she is aiming for level 10? It is true that we never see it competed in college. Looks like it is worth the same though.
Thank you! I ended up posting because another level 10 (friend of my daughter's) said that the bhs back layout stepout is the "preferred" level 10 series. I do see it much more often, but I guess I don't know what the issue would be either.
I would think if it is less painful and looks better, that it would be the better choice. Like you said, it seems to be worth the exact same. I read somewhere that it is harder to connect and execute it nicely, so maybe the other is preferred because it is usually less deductions?

I will say that none of our level 10s do a bhs bt and I have a feeling our gym wouldn't love the idea of it, but I think if the other is causing her pain, that's a pretty good reason to avoid it. We have one girl that does a side aerial back tuck I think because she had elbow surgery and doesn't do bhs at all anymore.

My daughter had a split leap back tuck in her beam routine this year (she also had the bhs blo series) and she didn't get credit for the connection several times. So they are probably going to take it out next season and try something different. That's the fun of upper optionals I guess.. you can keep trying different things until you find something that works and scores the best. :)
I’m not a judge, but my DD (only a level 8 - so not an expert either) told me a back layout step out is a D in college and back tuck is a C.

But I do think they are both Cs for level 10.

This site says that too (for college) if I am reading it right.
I’m not a judge, but my DD (only a level 8 - so not an expert either) told me a back layout step out is a D in college and back tuck is a C.

But I do think they are both Cs for level 10.

This site says that too (for college) if I am reading it right.
Thanks. I think this is the info that she was looking for and what the friend meant. In her case, I am not sure this matters because wouldn't the colleges want a clean layout stepout? She has just never fixed the bent knee even though she lands it consistently. It is definitely a pain thing, but her knee was bent before the hip issue. She got an 8.7 at the state meet with no fall on level 9, but we later determined that the leaps were not connected?? I couldn't even tell. This is the most discouraging sport ever. With all of the amazing gymnasts out there, maybe if she is super lucky, she could get into a D3 program. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't it be best to compete whatever is cleaner and will score better?
Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't it be best to compete whatever is cleaner and will score better?

You are correct. If a college needs to see something that scores lower... just show them a video of the skill not in competition.
Lots of 10s competing BHS-tucks (and plenty of other series too). Regarding colleges, beam is not really an event that drives recruitment. If you go to a recruiting event, you will see the college coaches camped out by vault and bars. Having a full-in, double lay or double arabian on floor will also catch their attention, but they pretty much ignore beam. When coaches come to club gyms to watch athletes, the beam session is often where they chat with us coaches (about the other events, lol).
Lots of 10s competing BHS-tucks (and plenty of other series too). Regarding colleges, beam is not really an event that drives recruitment. If you go to a recruiting event, you will see the college coaches camped out by vault and bars. Having a full-in, double lay or double arabian on floor will also catch their attention, but they pretty much ignore beam. When coaches come to club gyms to watch athletes, the beam session is often where they chat with us coaches (about the other events, lol).
That's interesting. She is best at bars, but compared to what is out there, not phenomenal. Also very good at double backs and double pikes. I think those skills are less aggravating to whatever is going on with the hip joint. It's hard enough to get anywhere coming from our area, so I think she was just worried that the series might be a "regression." It sounds like it really doesn't matter that much though. Thanks for the feedback.
My kiddo is doing BHS BT for level 9 and actually did it for her last meet at level 8. It definately looks clean compared to some of the layout stepouts I see. Glad to hear that could be a series for Level 10 too!

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