Parents Level 4 and 5 meet reports...back to back sessions! long, of course.

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Proud Parent
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
Both DD's competed this weekend. Actually, it was today (seems so long ago now, it all started at 7:30 am!). We went up to "the beach" a day early for the meet and had lovely weather and just generally had a nice day yesterday before we had to go to the meet today. Stocked up on flip flops for the spring and summer! Both DD's are sort of struggling in their own ways this season, so it was really nice to do something super fun while we traveled, too. I also got a massage at the hotel which I am sure improved my whole outlook!:p

Little DD had 8am start time. Her AA score improved again, still very low because of needing spots on mill circle and FHC, but...she did her beam dismount BY HERSELF which was the goal of the day!:D I was a little confused because her beam score did not go up at all from last meet, and she had a spot on the dismount at the last meet.:confused: Oh, well. She fixed a couple things on floor (the missing jump that I asked about a couple weeks ago). So that was good. She has a long way to go, but she is improving and she is happy. Last place in everything except vault, but she does not seem to care. Hope it stays that way! (the not caring part, not the last place part :p). We were super proud of her for the beam dismount. She has always been very fearful of beam, and she really looked a lot better today although the judges did not seem to notice!

Older DD was in the very next session which was convenient! I got to sit in chairs with a back and I can't tell you how much better that makes my day! She started on bars (her favorite). I refused to video today, just did NOT feel like it but I wish I could share her bar ever in L5 and just beautiful. She got a 9.225 which was 3rd place. She was ecstatic!:D:D Next was beam and she did a very very pretty routine, added some nice improvements on details...held her dismount...beautiful straight up vertical handstand, but...fell on the cartwheel again. So sad. She had a 8.6 something and I think she got 7th. Would have been over a 9 if she stayed on. She does great cartwheels, but I think it is almost a mental thing with her at meets. Then floor, tough judges today, she did a nice routine, still has the BHS issues but getting a lot better...she got an 8.5 something and this was also 7th place. She told me after the meet that her routine "felt" better than any one she had done all year. Like I said, judges were tough on floor. Last was vault, and well, it's vault. Vault is not her friend. We were cheering like crazy for her to run faster and it looked a little better...she got a 7.9 which is her highest so far in L5. Coaches said judging was tough there too so we are really hoping for her to break the magic 8.0 before the season is out! AA was 34.35 which I think is highest so far. 7th AA also, right in the middle of the group. She was very happy with her performance today even with the fall. It has been a challenging year for her. She has a teammate in her age group who gets 37 plus every meet and pretty much wins every event and AA at every meet. So she is definitely having to see things from a different perspective this year. She will be repeating L5 next year unless she has a vault miracle before the end of March...which I know she is not happy about but I have to say she is handling the season pretty well. I like that she was happy today. Many of her teammates with similar scores were not. Everyone wants that 36 to move up to L6 and if it's not a 36 or they don't win first, they are not happy. But she is really dealing with it well. I'm proud of her. And, shhh...don't tell anyone...I have a secret hope that she will absolutely ROCK L5 in her second season.:o I think she deserves it. Of course, I'm biased.

Thanks for reading all this. We have one more "regular" meet and then older DD will go to L5 states end of March. Then, on to another year of L4 and L5. Oh, how much I will LOVE that compulsory music by the end of next year...
Sounds like a great meet for both of them - even if the scores didn't reflect it.

I love to hear about girls who are struggling, but still having a great time and finding a way to celebrate their personal successes. Dancing in the sun is easy - dancing in the rain is magical.
Good for them!

My DD struggles with beam too - she has fear issues over her dismount, and it doesn't help that she almost fell onto the beam recently, trying to dismount - she was lucky the coach was right there to catch her. However, she apparently did several dismounts on her own on Friday (I wasn't there to see), so hopefully she got past that. This is her first L4 meet, and she is aiming to go without a spot - she'll risk the "fall" deduction, because most of the time now she's managing to get the bar skills, and now the beam dismount. They aren't so pretty yet, but that will come. Same for your L4 - she will clean things up with experience and time.
Congrats to both girls on their improvements :) Great Bars score for DD#2!!
Sounds like a great meet for both of them - even if the scores didn't reflect it.

I love to hear about girls who are struggling, but still having a great time and finding a way to celebrate their personal successes. Dancing in the sun is easy - dancing in the rain is magical.

Love that quote! Since my daughter started this sport, I've always encouraged her to look for the small successes. Sounds like both your daughters are able to do that. Congrats to both of them! Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend.
It sounds like your dd's had a great meet! Glad they made some improvements, I think your dd has a great attitude!
Sounds like a great meet for your girls!! My DD also struggles with the cartwheel on beam!! It is a mental thing!! She lands them perfectly at practice all the time!! I think she has landed her cartwheel 2 times at meets this year. She will most likely repeat L5 also. She is totally ok with it!! She has fear issues with some of the L6 skills.
Sounds like a great meet for your girls!! My DD also struggles with the cartwheel on beam!! It is a mental thing!! She lands them perfectly at practice all the time!! I think she has landed her cartwheel 2 times at meets this year. She will most likely repeat L5 also. She is totally ok with it!! She has fear issues with some of the L6 skills.

yes, this is exactly how my DD is. She fell on it during her 3rd meet and since then she either wobbles through the whole routine or falls on the cartwheel. She was getting 8.9's her first two meets and since the fall she has not been the same. She is constantly "winning" on beam at practice, lands them consistently and the rest of her routine is lovely. Sigh. My DD also has fear issues with L6 too. They don't uptrain much but they do work back tucks and she looks like she does not have a clue. I don't think she is ready for the tuck based on her weakness in the RO BHS BHS pass. So, another year of L5 may be really good for her. Although, I worry that she is likely to have a huge growth spurt this year and then she'll be dealing with extra height and/or weight when she finally does get ready for L6. Oh well...always something to worry about I guess. How old is your DD, AlexsGymmyMom?
We were super proud of her for the beam dismount. She has always been very fearful of beam, and she really looked a lot better today although the judges did not seem to notice!

Ahhhh! Can't they just compete WITHOUT the judges!?...just sayin, ;)

anyway, sounds like a very encouraging meet for all of you!-and a very long day!! Congrats to both your girls!!
Congrats to both of your dds (and you!) for a great meet! And some fun in the sun and new flip flops never hurts :).

My dd is also struggling through a L5 season and will repeat. She will likely have most of her L6 skills by then (already has RO BHS BT and BW on beam) but could use the extra practice and finesse on her current routines. I also have a secret hope and my dd has a not-so-secret hope to rock L5 next year. Not even to place as much as really increase those scores with solid routines. I am so proud of her each and every meet for having such a great outlook.
Your DD's sound a LOT like my DD. Glad to hear both girls are improving. Don't get too hung up on scores, as they vary often from meet to meet. Also, when the spot goes away they may have new deductions for form that weren't there with the spot. Kayla did the best vault of the season and was a full 13 10ths lower than what she usually gets on vault.

Another example, Kayla is FINALLY scoring higher on bars. This is her second year of level 5; last year her bar routine was not connected, this year it is but her scores stayed about the same. The difference was with the new connections she was losing height in her casts. As her casts are improving, her bar scores are finally surpassing last year's scores.

The important thing is that they are improving and you, the coach, and of course the gymnasts can see their improvement.

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