Wow...a great amount of info! Thank you!
For some reason, now that the first week of school has passed for us, I feel better! LOL
She had gone M and W for four hours. On Fri I asked her if she wanted to go to the gym and she said "Can I go home and play with my...Pixles tonight and go to the gym on Saturday?"..or whatever those new beads are called! LOL She got some for her bday that had just passed.
I said you most CERTAINLY CAN!
We got some movies, popcorn and even mom enjoyed a night off!
Saturday she hopped out of bed, into the leo and into the car, she was ready to go.
THAT made me feel better I think. The fact that SHE can tell me flat out "Ya know what, not today, I'll let you know when I'm ready again."
She had not done that ...EVER (she's a perfectionist and huge pleaser
) that left me anxious everytime bc I her dad and I would ask ourselves WHAT if she's just doing this bc she thinks this is what we want to hear?!?!? That TERRIFIED ME!
BELIEVE ME I'm a huge worrier, very overprotective and the THOUGHT that I might be doing something that might not be in her best interest keeps me awake at night. I'm trying to take it one week at a time and learn to follow her lead (to a point LOL).
So it might be different each week. Some weeks she might go 16hrs and others she might just go 12. Her coach has no problems with her going 12, she's the youngest of the group and she doesn't want to push her.
School has always been easy for her,...well, she's only in 2nd grade haha so ask me again next year! We supplement a lot at home. She speaks two languages so I have to stay on top of her English skills, no doubt. She also does JJ and knows that she will continue to have that as part of her life for a LONG time.
I'm grateful to have found a good forum though. I feel better knowing most of you all have been there.