huh? she didn't insinuate any of the above.
Oh, come on. What she did communicate really clearly is that she thought right away they didn't belong in the program, and that the person who placed them there made a mistake. And in staff meetings (4 of them) brought it up to try to get her out of the group, and didn't get anywhere with the owner and other coaches.
There little to no chance a ten year old kid didn't pick up on the fact a coach that doesn't want them there.
I don't like discounting this situation as "Suzie's mom" unless I have heard from Suzie's mom... the truth usually lies in the middle, because we all color our perceptions of what we see from our own experiences (me too). And I would be shocked Dunno if you didn't completely discount everything I say as a "dumb parent." That's OK, I'm used to it and it just makes me chuckle. Was kind of waiting for it, actually.

Adds to the entertainment of the board, and I'm not offended. We aren't talking about an elite gymnast here, just another invisible kid from the "elite" perspective.
What we do know is that her methods of getting the girl off her team haven't worked, and maybe another approach would be more effective.