Doesn't fix everything, but is a step. Maybe coaches will learn WHY they should not drive kids to meets, or travel alone with kids. Maybe parents should have to take the parent course to get the USAG number. Education is a good first step, but then things have to keep moving along from there.
I have heard so many parents whose coaches have offered to take their kids to meets, and have indicated that it is THEIR child, THEIR choice. No understanding or awareness, or jsut ignoring, what is happening with all of this. It scares me at times.
I agree. I think that a part of the problem lies in the age of gymnasts. Our children start so young and gymnastics often is so all consuming that parents often haven't had much experience with children's activities that they don't realize how incredibly unusual it is for coaches and athletes to have so many opportunities for one-on-one time. Gyms often push to limit parent viewing, even in lower levels, so parents get accustomed to their children being out of their protection. Children and parents have to put so much trust in coaches for their child's physical safety. These things are unusual in other children's activities. The mindset needs to change. Children reach the highest levels in other sports without having coaches travel or train children alone. It can be done in gymnastics too.
I do like the idea of parents taking a safe sporting class. We have to for middle school sports, volunteering in my children's school, Scouts, volunteering at church and even for rec soccer. For a lot of gymnast families, this is likely their first experience with child safety in sports outside of TV cases like Penn State or Nassar.