Parents not posting Scores

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And now, wait and see which ones pop up......I can't believe this is the only site with historical a for every athlete!
I hope they realize just how important they are......some gyms do ALL they post meet recognitions with MMS!!!!!!
we love you mymeetscores.......
Does anyone know what's up with I've noticed (for Florida anyway) they have not posted any scores from any meet in March. I have personally submitted the link several times for the Tim Rand Invite which is a huge meet. So far nothing and usually they're pretty quick. Thanks!

If you can get Tim Rand posted, I'd be forever grateful! LOL!
I believe it's time for me to come forward and say that I'm not actually a gymnast, but a witch who's sole power is getting mms to work.

Well I don't know about everyone else but I am never going to utter a bad word about MMS again!
There is definitely something strange going on. My dd has every score listed from the time she was 7 competing level 5. However her last 4 meets are not up. She is a level 10 looking to be recruited and has done very well at these meets. This is where it gets really, really frustrating. Coaches contacted the gym and said they are going to "watch" her this year. I'm disappointed because we were not planning to put together a website just emails listing you tube videos and mymeetscores. Oh well guess I'm putting together a spreadsheet and emaiing those. unless the results just pop up at some point.
There is definitely something strange going on. My dd has every score listed from the time she was 7 competing level 5. However her last 4 meets are not up. She is a level 10 looking to be recruited and has done very well at these meets. This is where it gets really, really frustrating. Coaches contacted the gym and said they are going to "watch" her this year. I'm disappointed because we were not planning to put together a website just emails listing you tube videos and mymeetscores. Oh well guess I'm putting together a spreadsheet and emaiing those. unless the results just pop up at some point.

I do hate that the best scores of the last two levels for my daughter aren't there :(
There is definitely something strange going on. My dd has every score listed from the time she was 7 competing level 5. However her last 4 meets are not up. She is a level 10 looking to be recruited and has done very well at these meets. This is where it gets really, really frustrating. Coaches contacted the gym and said they are going to "watch" her this year. I'm disappointed because we were not planning to put together a website just emails listing you tube videos and mymeetscores. Oh well guess I'm putting together a spreadsheet and emaiing those. unless the results just pop up at some point.

Are they are on

MMS is not an official scoring site, they just pull results from other places. And not every meet puts scores online for them to find. They don't always go back and add scores later when they do pop up online, either, my daughter is missing scores, too.

I'm pretty sure college recruiters know that MMS isn't always accurate or up to date. And since MMS seems to be more of a site that collects information, I've heard you can't really contact them. They might not be around forever, so a spreadsheet with all her scores would be better to have anyway!

Also, if you are back east, Beyond the Scores is one to check, as they seem pretty popular back east.

I will add that MMS is the easiest to use if you're the parent who does the 9.0 club boards!! I wish they were more serious about what they do because their simple, yet clean and easy to look at and sort site is great.
We just went to a meet last weekend. Yesterday I noticed the level 2,4 and 5 results were up on MMS, but not level 3?? Of course that's my dd's level...
I will add that MMS is the easiest to use if you're the parent who does the 9.0 club boards!! I wish they were more serious about what they do because their simple, yet clean and easy to look at and sort site is great.

^^^^ this! MMS interface is so much easier to navigate quickly than MSO or other sites. Whoever designed it definitely understands the "fewest clicks" theory of web design!
I agree. It's nice to have scores in one place as well. A coach called the gym and asked if dd was injured. I found that strange and of course I am blaming it on the fact that it looked like she stopped competing in January according to MMS. It's been pretty reliable for a long time but I guess it's time to get used to it.
I know that this thread is on the older side but I am frustrated that MMS has not added our state meet. Sometimes random meets get left off but for the state optional meet to not be included is not ok, IMO. :( (The meet was over 3 weeks ago.)
I have noticed a lot of the state and regional meets are posting scores to the new myusagym iOS app. It also posts from pro score and is really easy to use so you may want to check there. It is an official app made by USAgym to help track sanctioned event scores. You can see more details at this link Link Removed
I never heard of that app, but will have to look at it. I think a lot of meet directors don't care for MMS so they aren't sending the scores. I was told that a virus was encountered in one of their ads and also the people running the website are impossible to reach if something is wrong. This year, dd's best meets including states are not on MMS so I'm just making sure I have my own spreadsheet to send to colleges. I am trying to be ok with it and just not use the site at all because it's depressing when I look up dd.
Hi, level 2 mom here...we had our first "in house" meet. Our gym emailed the scores to us. I had a very general question about scoring, and the owner of the gym flipped out a little on me and told me not to look at scores, don't talk about scores, and for our level 2, it would probably be the last time scores are emailed So I looked on all the scoring sites mentioned in this thread, mymeetscores etc., and noticed that Level 2 scores are not posted anywhere. Is that because most Level 2's don't compete? Does anyone know of a site where they are posted? The only reason I want to know her scores is because during this first meet, I never saw what she got on two was just never posted, and the other I missed because I wasn't paying attention...I'm sure my daughter would like to know her scores. Thanks for any help on where I can find them (if the owner follows through and doesn't email scores again!)
OK, you are just starting out in this crazy sport. Please know one thing - scores are not a measuring stick to use to gauge performance or success. This is especially true at the early compulsory levels. I have been associated with this sport for 15 years and seen it all; fixating on scores can/will drive you crazy. Listen to the coach/owner.
I sort of agree/disagree. Scores DO matter -- it shows you where you are on that particular day, with that set of judges, (add in all the other variables you can think of...). I definitely would not get too caught up or try to compare too much, but if your gym is going to meets and scoring 7's -- there is likely a problem. Obsessing between a 9.1 and 9.25 is a waste of time (and will drive you crazy), but the scores can and do show you some valuable info.

My dd started at a gym that generally scored low and did poorly at meets. We were told to ignore the scores. While that may be a fine bit of advice at L2/ is not fine at the Optional level when your gymnast is old enough to know they're getting CREAMED at every meet, yet they're doing exactly what is asked of them at the gym and not making obvious errors in the routines at meets. Bottom line -- some coaches don't know what they're doing. They'll tell you not to pay attention to the scores because they're afraid you'll find out why they're so low.

Fast forward 2 yrs, after a move to a much better gym. First meet after training at new gym for 6-months, dd scored 37+. That would have never, ever happened at the old gym. She didn't suddenly become a good gymnast -- she always was. However, at former gym many skills were not taught correctly, routines were not constructed correctly, skills included were not quite ready for prime-time (so big deductions, particularly for casting angles), etc. None of these things were things she would have known had we not moved to a better gym with better coaching. She's a smart girl -- she knows what's up. Now she's one of the top gymnasts at a very competitive gym. I say this not to brag, but to put some focus on the necessity of proper coaching. It matters. A lot.
Hi, level 2 mom here...we had our first "in house" meet. Our gym emailed the scores to us. I had a very general question about scoring, and the owner of the gym flipped out a little on me and told me not to look at scores, don't talk about scores, and for our level 2, it would probably be the last time scores are emailed So I looked on all the scoring sites mentioned in this thread, mymeetscores etc., and noticed that Level 2 scores are not posted anywhere. Is that because most Level 2's don't compete? Does anyone know of a site where they are posted? The only reason I want to know her scores is because during this first meet, I never saw what she got on two was just never posted, and the other I missed because I wasn't paying attention...I'm sure my daughter would like to know her scores. Thanks for any help on where I can find them (if the owner follows through and doesn't email scores again!)

It has nothing to do with level, it's basically whether or not your area's meets end up online. A lot of in-house ones don't. Bigger ones do, in some areas. In other areas (geographically) you can't find anything online.
I found that many local smaller meets aren't posted anywhere for the compulsory level. You had to keep track yourself. I missed my daughter's highest compulsory vault score, which has never been posted anywhere. So I know, you wish you could see it. You can see if the meet had a website of its own, which may be updated at some point. Sometimes that's not timely. And I have never had my gym mail me any scores, so that in itself is not common. Hope your daughter has fun.

Hi, level 2 mom here...we had our first "in house" meet. Our gym emailed the scores to us. I had a very general question about scoring, and the owner of the gym flipped out a little on me and told me not to look at scores, don't talk about scores, and for our level 2, it would probably be the last time scores are emailed So I looked on all the scoring sites mentioned in this thread, mymeetscores etc., and noticed that Level 2 scores are not posted anywhere. Is that because most Level 2's don't compete? Does anyone know of a site where they are posted? The only reason I want to know her scores is because during this first meet, I never saw what she got on two was just never posted, and the other I missed because I wasn't paying attention...I'm sure my daughter would like to know her scores. Thanks for any help on where I can find them (if the owner follows through and doesn't email scores again!)

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