WAG peach jam - uneven bars

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Proud Parent
Nov 6, 2012
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What on earth is a peach jam, done on uneven bars?

The things my daughter comes home telling us she's been learning, sometimes I just wonder if the coaches make up ridiculous names specifically to bamboozle us.

Any videos that people can point me to? I looked in MostepanovaFan's guide to uneven bars release moves (), but it wasn't included. Maybe it isn't a release?

Thanks in advance. :-)
a peach jamb is simply a "pak" salto done in a straddled position or what sometimes is called a "half" stalder. and you do this from the high bar down to the low bar. see this with legs on what's called "inside jamb" at :50

and here at 2:28 where it is straddled

Thanks Dunno. I did enjoy the videos, but I'm not sure that they added anything much to my understanding. :-) I just don't think I can recognise enough named skills, to know what is what.

I wish there was some sort of "gymnastics for parent dummies" course where I could learn all the things we're going to hear about from our daughters. I have so much to learn! My daughter gets quite frustrated when she tries to explain her new skills to me, and I just have no idea! I get a lot of eye-rolling... and "Mu-umm!"
That second video was so entertaining to watch. My daughter and I loved it and were wondering if the mount in the first routine is still acceptable in the current code of points. It's just so different than anything you see today.
I look at the parts where they bang their upper thighs/tops of legs against the bars and think, "Ouch! Doesn't that do some damage?" We don't see those moves anymore, so I suspect that they've been banned? I just keep thinking "ovaries"...
nope. no damage. mostly rips on the hips kinda like they have today on the hands and wrists.

none of it is banned in as much as it can't be done cause the bars won't set that close anymore. :)
I told my daughter about your pak salto description, Dunno, and she said the peach jam she is learning is not a transition from one bar to another. I showed her the one or two jam videos I could find and its apparently not that either.
(Not that)

I found a few videos of peaches on P-bars, but as she's doing it on a single bar, I couldn't understand how it might translate.

She said something about swinging under the bar in an upsidedown pike, with a skin-the-cat...

I am none the wiser. :) I'll just have to wait for some opportunity where I might actually get to see her doing it. I can't imagine that will be any time soon, seeing her age group doesn't compete, and nor would she be competing that skill even if she did compete. Thanks for your help, Dunno.
Sometimes men use "honey" and chalk to help them hold on to the parallel bars...women use "peach jam" and chalk on uneven bars. We have a little refrigerator right by the bars to hold all the "peach jam"...

peach-jam (1).jpg
I love all those old bar routines! Such cool moves! IWC, what is the move called at 18-19 seconds?

You coaches (those present here, those in my daughter's gym, and everywhere else around the world) are all just ganging up on me to try to make me believe there are gymnastic moves called things like "peach jam" and "dead cow". You're just trying to see how gullible I can be! :p

How on earth am I ever supposed to pretend I know what my daughter is talking about when you all just keep spinning rubbish?! ;)
Here is Chellsie doing a "jam"...which goes through a "peach basket"...

(around 40 seconds)
(Just between you and me, I'm thinking my daughter has no idea what it is going to look like when she's finally done it. Perhaps what it feels like when you're learning it - and maybe misunderstanding your coach - doesn't give her a very good idea of what it will look like as a finished product. But we won't tell her that...) ;)
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The move when she comes into the low bar after swing with a half turn on the high bar is/was called a wrap (that what we called it.) The part after she wraps and circles the low bar is an eagle with a half turn. I know there's nothing about the move the way it's done that would bring the image of an eagle to mind, but if you could imagine.....

leaving the low bar and catching the high bar without turning to face it you could see the flight from the low bar looking like a creature with outstretched wings because the reach and grasp was done in a motion similar to circling your arms up and around behind you as if you were throwing your arms over the back of a park bench.


You coaches (those present here, those in my daughter's gym, and everywhere else around the world) are all just ganging up on me to try to make me believe there are gymnastic moves called things like "peach jam" and "dead cow". You're just trying to see how gullible I can be! :p ;)

Yes I suppose we do..... and you make it soooooooo easy! :p ;)
Maybe she's referring to a stalder circle in the pike position, similar to Chellsie's routine? Or perhaps not, I've never heard 'peach jam' before. I've done 'peach baskets', which are used to improve strength for kips. Starting in front support, you drop down so that your toes are at the bar, then 'jam' your legs up and finish the kip. It's like the last half of the kip, reversed and then done forward again if that makes any sense. It's pretty hard and are often spotted. I have no idea what level your gymmie is so it's possible I'm way off base here, but now you know another skills called 'peach baskets'. Or maybe she's doing a toe-shoot to high bar to 'jam' kip.
leotardmakermum, my favourite weird terminology is 'fish flop' (landing on your hands and kind of doing the worm onto your chest and stomach) and 'dead ants' (conditioning exercise on your back with your feet up in the air, reach up and touch your toes), now you have more to add to your gymnastics vocabulary!
Love the video from 1983. That was back when I was doing bars and I really miss the old style routines. BTW, if the bars are set correctly, the "bar beat" doesn't hurt at all. It hits right where your leg bends. If it is set wrong and you hit your pelvic bone however, it hurts like hell!

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