But there is not just one path for everyone to follow, and not every gymnast has the same goals.
... and if Prep op, or something else, allows these girls to stay in a sport they love, do it safely and have fun, then I applaud a program like that. I think it's awesome!
I agree! What I am hearing from some posters is that Prep-Op is a "dumbed-down" option, and from others who think it is only okay if it's used as a stepping stone. Where I am, prep-op (or another local league) is a totally separate option from the JO program - there is very little (if any) movement between the two. At many gyms, you can be "too old" for the USAG JO team. They generally won't take anyone older than 8/9 for L4. Does that mean you shouldn't be allowed to participate at all? Some families simply cannot afford to pay for the 10+ hours of training required by the regular JO levels. Does that mean they shouldn't be allowed to participate at all? And what about the kids who want to do gymnastics *and* soccer (or whatever). Does that mean they shouldn't e allowed to participate at all? Luckily they have an option. They may obtain skills slower (less hours per week) and may not have as much invested, and are therefore perhaps not as committed. I think of it as being like "travel soccer" vs. "rec soccer". They both compete, but one is more "for fun", involves less practice and $, and probably won't lead to college/career possibilities. Still, there's a place for both.
That being said, I do think the JO levels are the "gold standard". My daughter desperately wants to compete in our gym's USA team. She started late (9, is now 10), is training with the L5's this summer. If she doesn't get the rest of her L5 skills, she's "too old" to compete L4, so I am very glad that we have the prep-op option for her. Gymnastics is her absolute favorite thing to do, she would go every day if she could, and I would hate to think she wouldn't be allowed to participate simply because of her age/finances/etc. It has nothing to do with "poor work ethic", unwillingness to put in the hours, etc. Broad generalizations make a poor argument.
Anyway, I think there's a place for both!