The floor music reccomendation thread

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Whether a midi will sound good depends partially on your soundcard (since it uses your soundcard's stock instruments rather than actual recorded instruments) or on what soundfonts or samples you use in rendering them.

I tend to avoid midis when I can. Unless they are absolutely expertly done, they tend to sound pretty robotic.
Whether a midi will sound good depends partially on your soundcard (since it uses your soundcard's stock instruments rather than actual recorded instruments) or on what soundfonts or samples you use in rendering them.

I tend to avoid midis when I can. Unless they are absolutely expertly done, they tend to sound pretty robotic.

So do many speaker systems where you'd be playing it!
Brand New Floor Exercise Music

Hi all,

I've seen numerous posts in random spots asking about floor exercise music, so I figure I'd make a new thread about my new company, Tunastics!

I have a 20-song Demo CD out and it's ready to send. Go to Link Removed - within a few days, all songs will be on sale via our webstore.

You can email [email protected] if you want a Demo Cd, or I can send you actual demos through email (for a limited time Demos are free, so take advantage of it)!

I also do custom cuts of existing songs and custom originals based on your needs.

Thanks for reading, hope things are well and on a side note, NASTIA ROCKS!!!

Tunastics Music
Now I have seen *everything*.

In the iTunes store, if you search for karaoke, you can find lots of versions of songs, ranging in quality from not much better than tinny badly synthesized midi and stuff with "guide vocals" sung by people that would never make it anywhere near American Idol, to songs that are actually of better quality than you can get by trying to strip the vocals out yourself, if you're lucky. The 30 second clips aren't guarantees that you'll get no vocals, but can give you an idea, something to browse through if you're bored with what you find doing a search for "instrumental", anyways.

Or if you happen to be looking for the karaoke version of the "lumberjack song" in particular!

Yes, I found it. Looks like there's a couple versions, too!

ETA: Most are iTunes Plus DRM free format.
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Just to chime in about Overclocked Remix, I also agree it could be a great source and honestly if more gymnasts were competing to video game music that would be amazing. :) But specifically I thought I'd just recommend some video games that would be conducive to floor in general just due to their thematic points since you can search by games.

Final Fantasy: This series has a mix of music ranging from fast paced techno type to symphonic dramatic pieces, to just peaceful ones. Any of the games may produce that especially with the remixing done, but just as a starting point Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 9, Final Fantasy 10 (or X) and Final Fantasy 10-2 (X-2) will provide a starting point. Final Fantasy 7 and 8 have more danceish songs including "Man With the Machine Gun" from FF8 which is crying out for a floor routine to be performed to it. Final Fantasy 9 is more orchestral. Final Fantasy is more orchestral, but also has a piece I believe called Blitzball which is very conducive to fast paced. Final Fantasy X-2 actually has soundtracks with shorter pieces closer to the actual length of routines and many have different personalities.

Super Mario Brothers: The original theme done on a 1985 system would not be suggested, but thanks to all the remixes, you can find it in nearly every genre of music. Though some of the pieces may be too silly to get the right mood going, there are also potentially very good pieces out there.

Legend of Zelda: I'm not as familiar with the later games, but the original game has a strong orchestral piece which flows to allow both tumbling passes and the dance elements.

Pokemon: Pokemon has a bunch of light orchestrals theme which could fit as well.

Mega Man: This is also a long series of games, but the composers behind the games tended to explore a variety of musical themes throughout and the remixers picked up on that. I tend to listen to a lot of this music and also tend to see paralells between many of the pieces being used now. You can pretty much find any sort of piece (outside of Orchestral flourish) in there.

Also if you can find the soundtracks on ITunes (Final Fantasy has a bunch on there) and most are instrumental. Vocals are rare in background music.
I have had some really cool floor music the last few years. For the last 3 years i had a song called Hot Honey Rag from Floor Express music and it was really cute for like littler kids around 8 years old. I have a song called Beethoven this year and it sounds like it is being played by the trans siberian Orchestra. It is really cool and dramatic. Finding floor music is really hard, but you want something you like, so really think about your decision. :) is a very good site. I have gotten all of my floor music from there.
I'd look at the Pushing Daisies soundtrack on iTunes if you can cut your own music...and the Stardust movie soundtrack for that matter. Very original stuff and mostly instrumental.
Energym Music

Hi Everyone,

We're new to this forum and so happy to have found it - what a great place.

Our company, Energym Music, has a constantly growing catalog of great music arranged specifically for floor exercise. We're quickly becoming one of the premier sites that gymnasts are going to - I see many wonderful references to our music on this forum, in fact.

We work hard to make our music truly outstanding and full of impact. I am the arranger/producer for most of the tracks and the composer of many of our best sellers like Destination Triumph and Impact!

We're always looking for new great ideas for songs - so let us know what songs you'd like to hear for your routines. We're producing 30 new songs right now and are open to all suggestions.

You can respond here, or write to us at [email protected]

Be sure to visit our website at Energym Music -- Welcome

Thanks for letting us be here!

Larry Hall
Took a look through some of your demos, and as a fellow composer/producer, I'm quite impressed!

Added your info to the first post.
i'm not sure if this is the right place for this post but does anyone know what Randy Stageberg's 2008 music is called please as my cousin is looking for new music and i think this would really suit her!
DD got some really good music tracks from my cousin she would like to use one of them for her floor music next year as a USAG Level 8.

My cousin produced the music with the other musician so he can cut and put it together for her. He has a studio at home in his house and produces small time music for fun.

How do we decide what should go where?? My cousin has no gymanstics experience so it is up to DD and I. Any thoughts??
If anyone wants a copy of elite gymnasts' music, I would recommend joining and looking through the floor music thread in the Creativity Area section- it has just about every floor music used in the last couple of years, and great quality too.
GymMagic Performance Music

I know of a great site... well, I think it's great, since it's mine.

Link Removed

It's a new company (at least publicly, it's really been in the works since 2004) and I have a lot of awesome music!

PLUS... my music is cheaper than most everyone's, and you can listen to demos online for FREE!
I know of a great site... well, I think it's great, since it's mine.

Link Removed

It's a new company (at least publicly, it's really been in the works since 2004) and I have a lot of awesome music!

PLUS... my music is cheaper than most everyone's, and you can listen to demos online for FREE!

Added your info to the first post.

In other news, OCRemix just released a new album project (available for free) that has some stuff that could make for excellent routine music -- check it out at Summoning of Spirits. Personal favorites include "The Koan of Drums," "Summoned Without Reason," and "Ain't Yo Fool (Stay Cool)."
Link Removed, a monthly remix competition, had a couple of really great tracks last month; if you want some mega high-energy routine music, I highly reccomend Link Removed. It's a Sonic 2 medley that could be cut into some kickin' awesome routine music.
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I used to use Riverdance for my floor music and a teammate used the theme to Speed...I did have a routine to Rock Around the Clock, but it was often used by others on the team, and I felt it didn't have a personal flair.

However, I really love the idea of what could be done to Bella's Lullabye (remix) from the Twilight soundtrack or there even the Jai Ho! *****cat Dolls Remix from Slumdog Millionaire.

I know these aren't "traditional", but I always loved having a song that no one else would even think of. Plus, it gets the audience into it which is great.

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