I think what is confusing is that the author has selected these gyms as "top" JO gyms, without explaining what criteria she used to select them as "top" JO gyms. Did she list every gym that met certain criteria? Did she analyze data from every gym in the country (goodness!) If so, what were those criteria? I am personally curious as to whether reputation had anything to do with the selections as well, as one of the PP suggested.
People may be wondering why an unlisted gym was not included as a "top" gym, as at least one poster above has done.
Some explanation about what criteria she used to select "top" JO gyms, along with some explanation about her methodology (data collection and data analysis, because as some have already noted, there are some errors), would have been nice.
I imagine they started by looking at state meet data: specifically data for level 9 and 10. In Georgia for instance, there are not that many gyms who have more than one girl who competes level 10 at the state meet (I think there were 9 gyms) so that would be the first cut.