Videos of my front fulls, please tell me what I am doing wrong!

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Jul 5, 2007
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Twisting too early, and losing the shape. I'd go to front pike, open and twist. If I had never done this, swear to anything I wouldn't be able to do a front full today (i can rudi easily, double on a good turn, from a punch). For so long, I could not front twist, and no one could seem to get through to me on it. I'm not sure when I did the pike open thing, but I was able to transition to layouts at some point and twist earlier (for rudi and double) without issues. You don't want to do a RO with no'll get lost, and have shaping issues, even if you finish the twist.

Also, I don't know much about trampoline...sometimes technique is a little different I think. Not sure.
You're definitely doing a quarter-quarter, changing directions.

There are several ways to attack this, and which I would use depends on a couple of other things.

Which direction do you twist while flipping backwards?

Which foot do you lead with on a roundoff?
okay young are not twisting at all. you are simply doing a layout front that looks quirky. back in the day, we called these fake in fake outs.

and geoff, to be technical, a 1/4 1/4 equals a half twist. you can see in the 1st video that she shows you her stomach the entire time. so, when they 1/4 in and 1/4 back it's a fake or zero. look like you want to twist right judging by what you are doing with your arms. so, do you do a left round off? if so do the following. if not, you'll have to tell me otherwise.

if so, and you all will have to trust me on the following, simply twist out the 'wrong' direction from what you are doing. don't try to do what you think is correct in a direction. force yourself to twist what feels the 'wrong' way to you. if you watch your 1st video, you see your stomach then your stomach. set up your video the same way. start facing the same way as what you have shown. when you replay it, you should see your stomach and then your back.

if you want to do this from your feet, have someone watch you from the side that they see your stomach first. once you establish this, then simply twist what feels the wrong way out to you, and then whoever is watching should see your back before you land. understand? this person must see your stomach first...then your back. and YOU must show the observer your stomach then back.

if this becomes to difficult, break it down from your knees or a knee drop. a drop to your knees is all you need. do not bounce. you could whiplash or hurt your back with to much bounce.

do a knee drop round off to your stomach. put your hands down on the trampoline bed. i'm assuming you will be doing a left round off. then do a knee drop round off till your stomach ALMOST touches the trampoline bed then twist what feels the wrong way out and land on your back. if you don't get this right away, here is a clue...when you twist out put/leave your left hand back on the trampoline bed and pull your right hand/arm in toward your body as you twist out. you can also use this method from a stand on the trampoline bed. simply do a standing round off with no bounce. when you finsih the round off, leave you left hand back on the trampoline bed and pull your right hand/arm in towards your body. most likely you will land in a seat drop, and this is fine. doing this in slow motion is better. doesn't have to be a powerful or fast round off. understand? easy does it...this way you will feel what you need to do.

you will need someone to watch and make sure that you show them your stomach and then back. or back then stomach depending on which side they are watching from.

now, if you twist left on your back somi let me know this and i'll tell you what you have to do.

if you round off right? reverse the instructions. and then if you round off right and twist right on your back somi you will have to let me know this also.

i'm certain this will help your 'vestibular' issue. these are the things i enjoy solving. i look forward to your next post.

p.s. neither of those videos show your "best attempt". it is either correct or incorrect in this case. i tell you this in the event you become a coach. so, follow my instructions and see if you can make it correct.
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Twisting too early, and losing the shape. I'd go to front pike, open and twist. If I had never done this, swear to anything I wouldn't be able to do a front full today (i can rudi easily, double on a good turn, from a punch). For so long, I could not front twist, and no one could seem to get through to me on it. I'm not sure when I did the pike open thing, but I was able to transition to layouts at some point and twist earlier (for rudi and double) without issues. You don't want to do a RO with no'll get lost, and have shaping issues, even if you finish the twist.

Also, I don't know much about trampoline...sometimes technique is a little different I think. Not sure.

gymdog, this could be a viable methodology if what i suggest is met with failure. lets wait and see what happens in her next post. even with this method, it doesn't 'model' which direction she needs to go and understands such simultaneously.
and fyi...trampoline and tumbling have the same biomechanic principles and methodologies as the apparatus. of course, it is how the gymnast 1st learns to model what they need to do.
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dunno said:
geoff, to be technical, a 1/4 1/4 equals a half twist.

If it continues in the same direction, yes. If you switch directions, it equals zero twist. Which is exactly what I said in my post.

Aerialriver, assuming you'll be twisting left, here's what I'd do:

First, work front pike-open-1/2s. Do about a million of them. And make sure you know which way you're twisting. And remember, IT IS NOT A ROUNDOFF OR AN AERIAL. THIS IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND UNRELATED SKILL. I cannot emphasize this point enough; a lot of people try to do a front 1/2 as a roundoff with no hands or an aerial with the feet together, but approaching the skill this way can be detrimental to further twisting (and it looks to me like this is exactly what's happening here)

Once you have mastered a front pike 1/2 (and I do mean mastered), do a front pike 1/2 followed by a jump 1/2 turn in the same direction as your twist. A front 1/2 can sometimes feel like you're twisting one way when you are in fact twisting the other, so make sure you have a coach watch you to ensure you're continuing in the same direction.

Once you've done about a million of these, you can start putting them together; do the last 1/2 before you land.
Yea i was going to say that it didnt look like you twisted at all. what gymdog said about the pike open twisting helped me, because then eventually the pike didnt need to happen for me to be able to wait and twist.

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