WAG Weiler Kips

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Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
I was watching Jordyn Wieber's bar routine the other day and her Weiler Kip caught my eye. I love Weiler kips because they're so uncommon in Women's gymnastics, and it's a nice change from the ever predictable skills done on bars. My question is: what is the value of a Weiler Kip? Is it different if it's from handstand? If it's a C, can doing two connected count as your C-C bonus in Level 9? And what is a Weiler 1/2 pirouette worth?

And... if a Weiler Kip to/from Handstand has a different value than a Weiler Kip with no Handstand, will you get the credit for the Handstand if it is a Straddle Cast?

Looking at the FIG CoP, it's a D. It might be valued higher in the JO CoP and I'd have to download Gymquest to see.

I don't see Weiler kip without a HS in the CoP. So it might not get anything but an A I would think in that case. The CoP picture shows it from a HS.

With a 1/2 turn, it's still a D. With a full turn into a Healey, it used to be an E but seems to have been downgraded in the past few years.

If you really are dying to know, I'll ask a few L9/10 judges I know. Just not my former boss, lol.
Thank you. Do you know where I could download or view the JO Code of Points online?
You have to buy the US JO CoP.

Check this out, maybe.

Home Judging software for WAG JO.
On side note, Weiler came by our gym recently and was giving us tips on how to do his kip. That was pretty cool.
Any you'd care to share. I never worked nor do I think did any of my friends work it.
I'll put some video up on youtube that I took. Weiler's grandson trains at our gym and it was neat seeing him learn it.
It's a d in JO so you couldn't do 2 in a row at level 9. But you'll get a tenth in connection bonus for the cali hop or front giant you use to get into it. On a side note this is the only way I would try to get into it, the margin of error is too small to try to blind change directly into it.
this is correct ^^^. to date, neither boy or girl has done a Weiler out of a blind change. to much swing/risk.:)

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