Parents Who goes to the meets?

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I take dd. she is going through a thing where she wants no one else there. It used to be for local meets, DH and DS would come but for now it becomes girl time!

We have our own little traditions and to be honest i hope it stays this way for a while!
Only get out of it if there is a conflict (and then of course I'm still at a comp).
Me, DH, and YDD, who's 10 now.

MIL tries to come to 1-2 meets a season. I'm not sure how that will work out with a new competition season and farther driving distance for meets.

That's all the family we have.
Usually just me.
DH goes to State (they've been local so far 1-2 hours)
Grandparents go if our gym hosts.

I only bring DS if its unavoidable.
DH and I go to all of her meets. Dh has only missed one and it was her worst ever so now he is not allowed to miss... haha. Occasionally we'll be joined by various family members. I like that the family is interested in coming to see her, even if the meets can be so boring (especially compulsory!)
In our gym, it varies:
L3 ... one or 2 parents, possibly siblings (older and younger), possibly grandparents (if it is home or within 2 hour drive -weather permitting), sometimes extended family (to home meets).
L4 -L8 ... one or two parents, possibly siblings, others only if it is a home meet
Xcel ... one or two parents, possibly siblings, possibly grandparents, possibly a boyfriend, and bf's parents for a home meet (the last 2 apply to one girl - high schooler... and I have known her bf since he was 4... I just met her this past summer, lol).
In xcel silver, and my parents attend about 1/2 of my meets (they just drop me off) and siblings come to regionals (and states if its unavoidable). Grandparent goes to 1 home meet.
L7 - 4th season competing.

I always go. We divide and conquer too. DH usually attends one meet. Either he is working or even if he is off, one of the other 3 have something going on.

Siblings only attend the home meet, because they are free labor. They are very much over it and have no desire what-so-ever to watch hours of gymnastics. They send her off with a, "Good luck. Text me a video if you do good." Plus the oldest is now old enough to watch the other ones even if I'm 6 hours away. So I don't HAVE to bring them if he doesn't have his own thing going on. Sometimes I have to still bring my youngest.

My parents attend 1 meet a year usually. There are 10 grand kids (so far), so they are very careful not set a precedent of being at everything.
This is very timely! Dh and I were just discussing how we're going to go to meets without the other three children in tow. We brought them all to a recent mock-meet at dd's gym and we don't particularly care to repeat that experience anytime soon. Maybe when they're older they'll occasionally come along if they want to.

Right now we're thinking that I'm going to take her to most of them. My mom might want to come along too - I'll invite her at any rate.
DH and DS come to the meets if they won't miss work or school. DS helps out videoing his sister on his phone. He can get closer to the action than I can.
The grandparents are coming to the first meet, home meet. It's the only local meet this season. I'm regretting inviting them, I'm such a nervous wreck watching DD during her meets. My parent don't understand gymnastics and I'm not in the mood to explain why they are hearing the same floor music over and over again.
Me and younger DD2, otherwise known as the Official Scorekeeper, go to them all. DD2 has missed only one in seven years. Even though she spends 99% of the meet on her phone playing video games, she wouldn't miss it unless she had to; the travel meets are mini-vacations for us and we love our time together. Grandma comes to 1 or 2 a year and sometimes travels with us, and some extended friends/family pop in here and there. Dad's contribution is calling every few months and asking "Hows gymnastics, how's school? K, Bye." Can't win em all :)
Usually it's just me, if it's semi local (like 2hrs away) DH might go if he doesn't have to work. Most of our meets are 3+hrs away and with two very large, territorial dogs who we can only kennel at one spot 45min away (long story, because of immune deficiencies they cannot have a certain vaccine and she is the only one who will take them), it's truly just easier for one of us to stay home. Plus, our older DD has either dance competitions or rehearsals coinciding with every meet.... DH can take and pick up at rehearsal, no way he's going to a dance competition, lol! No grandparents or any other family around, it's just us. My Mom lives on a different continent and has actually attended one of each (dance competition and gym meet) when she visited last.
There's a lot of figuring out logistics for meet season. There will be at least one weekend for each kid (11 and 14 yo) that they are going to have to go with someone else, without one of us present at all. If we had family nearby, that would be wonderful but it's just us.
I take dd. she is going through a thing where she wants no one else there. It used to be for local meets, DH and DS would come but for now it becomes girl time!

We have our own little traditions and to be honest i hope it stays this way for a while!
DD and I went to an overnighter without my DH for the first time in years. It was fun but a little lonely for me at the meet. No other parents with gymmies at her level. We ordered pizza to the room and snuggled in a queen bed watching useless things on tv. I do so love the very rare moments when I feel that my independent pre teen still loves Mom. A plus is its much cheaper to feed two. She is the youngest of 4. They will come to a meet if it is at a resort or Chicago or something like that but do their own thing. They sat through a meet years ago and whined about being bored. Torture for me. They think they are orphans on the weekends during comp season they miss us I guess. The oldest is 21 so maybe not.
I take dd. she is going through a thing where she wants no one else there. It used to be for local meets, DH and DS would come but for now it becomes girl time!

We have our own little traditions and to be honest i hope it stays this way for a while!
Everyone in the family who doesn't have another sporting event goes. DD only has about 9 meets a year so her older brother and sister don't have a choice if their teams don't have games. My wife and I attend every meet.
Dh is usually running ds to soccer games or clinics or camps on the weekend so Dh and ds only come when they don't have soccer, usually it is just me ydd and odd who is 18 now and always busy with school or work, but she used to be a gymnast so loves to come to meets when she can
This is our 3rd year. I have been to every meet and DH (well really DB for boyfriend, but we have been together long enough it's easier to say DH) has maybe missed one or two in all that time to take OD to another sport that he is coaching.

OD sometimes comes but it just depends on what is going on in her social life. It is definitely more enjoyable when she is doing her own thing, otherwise she is asking for food every 5 minutes!

My parents have been to a few meets, maybe 2 a season. It seems when they can make a meet it is in either in a small cramped location or takes 2 hours longer than usual. This year I am going to make sure they come to some of the better, bigger meets.
Usually just 1 parent. We are very much divide and conquer. Other parent stays with other kid and takes that kid to activities.

Gymmie also does not go to sibling's various competitions and performances most of the time. Each kid needs some downtime and between both their activities, downtime is precious around here. It doesn't help that each sibling finds the other's activities exceptionally boring.

That being said, each sibling attends an event in support of a sibling about twice a year. These are chosen to be closer to home and not lasting the entire day (sibling's competitions often last a whole day).

Other relatives attend once in a while.
I always went and dh went if he could and other kids didnt have events. Grandparents would maybe go to State (although my parents have never gone). Other siblings to the big meets--except gymnast sibling who, of course, went as much as possible but she loves cheering on and watching too. We honestly couldn't afford to bring everyone all the time! (And once they were optional a we had no desire for my in laws to see too much of what they did as they would start complaining how dangerous it was and how they should quit immediately. Yes, we once hid a broken ankle--in a cast from them!)
DD is going into her 6th year of competing. Now that the meets are further away, it's usually just the 2 of us. My older child is in middle school and I don't want him missing school. DH went to 3 last year but more often than not, he stays behind with our son. I videotape it so he still gets to see her routines. And I think that DD likes having me to herself. :D

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