WAG Xcel silver bar routine

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Proud Parent
Sep 21, 2021
Reaction score
Would this routine have a starting point value of a 10.0?

kip, cast, back hip circle, undershoot, standing dismount?
I'm pretty sure that this would not start as a 10.0. They need 5 A skills and that is only 4. She could add a cast, straddle sole circle dismount after the back hip circle to get 5 skills.
I agree that the routine listed only has 4 skills and you need five. I think the easiest adjustment would be to go kip, cast, cast, back hip circle, undershoot.

Most of ours are going pullover, cast, cast, back hip circle, and then either sole circle or squat on. If they do a controlled squat on, then the squat on and straight jump off actually count as two separate skills, so they technically don't need the double cast, but it is nice to have a back up in case they miss the squat on and turn it into a sole circle.

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