back tuck

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  1. Canadian_gym_mom

    Standing back tuck before RO-BHS-Back tuck?

    Is this the normal progression? Thanks in advance.
  2. J

    Fear of back tuck

    My daughter has been doing a round off, back handspring, back tuck for almost a year now, but since December she has been going through phases where she's scared to do the back tuck. Lately, she will not do it at all without a spot and often stops after her back handspring which is making her...
  3. H

    7 yr olds - back tuck advice/drills

    hi i am starting to teach back tucks to pre team kids soon any coaches out there who have good drills for beginners? all girls have a solid ro, bhs with a very big rebound. all girls are tight with nice form.
  4. gymgurl

    Help with setting on my back tuck

    Hi, haven't posted in a while, it's been a little hectic with year 11 and gym and all that, but at gym today, i started working on round off flic back tucks again after about a year and a bit of not doing them at all and well they didn't go so well, i would have a nice high rebound on a round...
  5. C

    front and back tuck question

    Hey, ok when I do a back tuck or front tuck I tend to get really high when I start then I end up on my face or backside at the end. I have enough air and my form is pretty good. I asked my coach and she said that I am just not rotating quick enough...So anyway has anyone else had this problem...
  6. M

    back tuck 1/2 turn

    QUestion: How do I introduce back tuck 1/2 turn ? We need it on the uneven bars and on floor. What I read is to let them do a back tuck and then 1/2 turn jump. With time they would combine it ... Does anyone have experience in this drill and knows that it works ? Another question: Is it...
  7. L

    Back Tuck . . .

    I have back round off back handspring (and two back handsprings) really good and I also have a high rebound out of both of them. I can do an okay standing back tuck into the pit. Do you think I am ready to do a back tuck (with coach spotting of course) ? also, how long did it take you to get...
  8. S

    back tuck series on beam!

    Just a little brag here. My older daughter (13 1/2) got her back tuck series on beam the other night, stuck. She was quite happy but also bummed that she can't do it at level 8.
  9. B

    Standing Back Tuck or Layout Stepout

    ((on the floor)) any tips?? if I'm gonna have to do either on the beam in 2 years then i probably need to get them on the floor :D i go for them it's just i can't land it.. on my back tuck i just think my rotation is kind of slow and on my layout stepout...well any help is great :)
  10. S

    back tuck

    So I've been working back tucks on floor and I REALLY want to get one for high school next year. But my coaches never let me try it myself. They say there's always something wrong with it, and it feels fine to me. That coach who spots me too much, whenever I do a back tuck and don't get enough...
  11. M

    RBHBT, round puff backhandspring back tuck.

    Hi everyone! Hehehe! Well does anyone have any tips for round off back handspring back tuck? Ya, like the backtuck part is creepy to me, LOL! So I'm fine when I have spotting but it's still a little bit scary. Any help is great thanx!
  12. 1

    Drills for a round off back tuck

    I need some drills for a round off back tuck. One of the girls that I am teaching needs this skill for cheerleading. Any advise would help greatly. Thanks
  13. D

    Help for practicing bhs and back tuck at home

    I don't train at a gym but I really want to learn to do a bhs and back tuck. I don't have a trampoline. But have a very strong friend who could spot. But I don't know what types of exercises I can do to get the passes down.
  14. K

    Tips for hands(Front & Back tuck)

    Hi, I'm looking for tips on what to do with my hands while doing Front & Back tuck off trampoline. When I'm doing front tuck I: try to get really high and set at the top of my jump, pull in fast as I begin to rotate; but then I always end up putting my hands down. I think it probably started...
  15. N

    Coaches Slow rotation in robhs back tuck

    I have a couple of girls who are learning their robhs back tucks. We do not have pits. They can do the skill off of the tumble trak without help and we having been moving it to the floor over the last several months. We have a couple who are struggling and it seems like the issue is that they...
  16. gymmomntc2e6

    Back tuck

    My DD is working on her ROBHSBT. From what I see she does not understand the concept of 'set' It looks like she is trying to tuck from what would be a BHS jump back instead of setting up. Her coaches have been tryng to work with her but it just seems like the concept is not sinking in...
  17. tumblerK

    Cartwheel back tuck

    One of the girls in my gym training for level 7 has been working on her cartwheel back tucks off the beam. She's a lefty, and is used to taking off for her back tuck with her left leg slightly in front, but her cartwheel ends with her right foot in front. Once upon a season ago when I was...
  18. S

    Parents Back Tuck on beam.......

    I always knew the day would come when watching dd do her beam would freak me out - and now it's here........I can deal with the backhandspring stuff and the round off dismounts, but man, that back tuck is hard to handle! I am seriously having anxiety about it - I have never been concerned about...
  19. F

    how to improve on my standing back tuck?

    i usually land my standing tuck with my chest very low and the flip itself is very long.... i'd like to do a back tuck on beam someday but i won't be able to do that until they improve significantly on the floor.... anyone have some tips? :confused:
  20. J

    deduction for lack of height in back tuck?

    I'm a prep op and during this last meet, I did most of my routine really well but then on the last pass I totally messed up (compared to usual-usually the round-off bhs back tuck is no problem for me). I barely landed my back tuck because it was so low and I'm sure it had other problems. Yet I...