The back walkover has been a HUGE block for my L6 dd this season. She has been terrified to do it (This summer wouldn't even do it on the floor beam), but has been working on it. She kept rushing into it and throwing it off to the side. Private lessons, lots of tips from the coaches and nothing...
Hello, so I was going to compete level 6 this year but decided against it to compete level 5 and have a good season. So I've been uptraining level 6 skills as this is my second year in level 5.
However, back walkovers hurt my back SOOO much!! It's my lower back to my left side. I used to be...
My DD has her first level 6 meet in 2 weeks. She has really struggled on and off with the BWO on beam. She "has" the skill, as in she has landed it many, many times, but there are days where she is constantly going sideways and can't land a single one. Why does this happen? Is this...
okay, so this fear is driving me insane. :mad:
i started back walkovers on beam during August. I got it the first night i started it, and it seemed so easy for me at the time. But ever sense then, each night, i go into my gym, do it on the fat beam (which is attached to a low beam), and then i...
Hi, im a level 6 this year and i have my backwalkover but sometimes i get scared and balk or fall.I missed one hand on Wednesday but im not that scared like i used to be. I have meets coming up and i dont know how to control it. I looked the backwalkover up and im trying to go slow and...
I'm having trouble with my back walkover. I can do it with a spot but when i try by myself i pull out. Does anyone know how to gain trust to myself? Any comments would be appreciated
I have my BWO BWO series on high and compete those. I have done some BWO BHS on high with with a spot and some mats, but I have jammed my finger and completely missed both hands on one too. I really need help getting this down. I have all summer. I am working backwards going back to the floor...
I am trying to learn my back walkover on beam. I've been practicing it on a 1" high mat beam thing. I can land my feet straight on it but can't get my hands together on it. Does anyone have tips for keeping your hands together so they go on the beam?
I swear to God I would rather chuck a double back on beam then a back walkover, liek serious, will not do them. What are some other skills I could work on? Here are a list of skills on beam I can already do...
Handtsnad front roll
Front Walkover
Back Shoulder Roll
My daughter seems to switch dominant sides depending on activity.
Writing, she writers with her right hand.
Cartwheels/Roundoffs ... she leads with her left side.
She just started doing back walkovers, and she's leading with her right side, I think? (Her right leg is leading the split over...
So, I'm starting my back walkovers. =D
I know in a back walkover, you have to start with one leg lifted up off the ground, so you'll need more power through the pushing leg because you can't really swing that leg. The reason I had trouble with backbend kickovers was just not having enough...
I am currently a level 6 gymnast and in order to get my back walkover on beam I did them over and over until I
finally got it. After this my lower back was in alot of pain but I figured I was just sore but its been alittle over a
month and although It feels somewhat better my back...
I was wondering if there are any tips on how to not jump to my hands when I am about 2 inches from the floor max when I am doing my back walkover. A little background info: I am in x-cel and have been doing gym for about 3 years and have had my back walkover for that long although the hop is a...
Hi, I really can't seem to be able to kickover after I go into a back arch from standing.:confused: Does anyone have any tips to try to kick over? I know it might seem very simple but it really isn't for me! Thank you:) :D
I guess Dunno, being the vestibular expert, can probably answer this, but anyone else feel free to chime in.
My daughter is all of a sudden afraid of the bwo on high beam. What is odd is that she is not afraid of backhandsprings on high beam (step-out or two foot). So it doesn't seem like a...
Ok today I put a mat over the low beam because I can't ever get my hands on the beam for the backwalkover! Any tips? Is it okay to practice backwalkovers on the floor with my hands together?? My backwalkover on the floor is really straight I think my only problem on the beam is getting my hands...
Ok so im learning my bwo's on beam. I am having the problem of pulling my leg. I just cant pull it over enough! plus, I am saggy in the handstand part. I REALLY need this skill. my coach just tells me "pull your leg, stay tall" but it isnt getting better!! sugestioins/tip/drill would be great! thx:)
My daughter is trying to work on her back walkover for the beam. She is struggling with getting her hands closer together for the beam.
any help/advice would be appreciated that I can pass along to her!
As alot of you already know my DD Alex has a major fear of the BWO on any beam except the lowest beam. Last night I go to pick her up and she is doing BHS on one of the higher beams (mind you there are mats stacked all the way up but she would not do a BWO there to save her soul!!). I think...