i too am glad that this latest article has shut the mouths of those supporters. radio silence.
nevertheless, our industry is stunned at the magnitude of the allegations.
and my hope is that everyone is paying attention to dates. Indy Star said it was our fault for not notifying Michigan State. Michigan State blamed us also.
and what have i said all along? pay attention to the dates. an athlete at Michigan State brought forth a complaint in the year 2000. now, do you hear the Indy Star or MSU printing a retraction? now who's to blame?
the way i choose to look at this all is this. no industry where there are children will ever be able to eliminate the 'magnet' (the children) which the POS's gravitate to. and no system of protection or safeguards are perfect. these POS's always find a loophole or weakness in the system.
so...thank God for gymnastics. it is our industry that eventually stopped them. maybe not expeditiously enough...nonetheless they were stopped BECAUSE we have such good professional people in our sport. our industry was on the look out for POS's before this all came out...and they will continue to stay on the look out. it's a societal problem and always in a state of perpetuity.
and to answer that question above. the moment Steve Penny learned that there might be a problem the Dr was fired. as this story all unfolds pay close attention to the dates. the timelines will tell the story.
and at the risk of being redundant...there was no conspiracy...no cover up...no hiding coaches that are/were pos's. we have a banned list. wasn't easy to get them banned. but they DID get banned. and it's published. there was a time at the beginning of this banned list where placing someone's name on this list and being published was challenged. USAG prevailed.
there was a time at the beginning when stripping a coach's credentials was challenged. again, USAG prevailed.
read here.
a female at any age is sexually assaulted, raped, etc; every 98 seconds.
the truth is, and in the majority of cases, females are targets. it was a sad day not long ago when i had to explain this to my own daughter. the POS's target the females. premeditated...predators. wherever there are females POS's will follow and be lurking.
everyone must be diligent. in every home. in every gym. at every pool, school, etc; in every country. and it's only logical...if the above statistic was happening in the gyms or gymnastics or any other sport industry for that matter...every 98 seconds...there would be NO industries left that service children.
and what of the male coaches in our sport? we have now been surreptitiously 'profiled'. several have already quit the industry and several more have stated they will when this current season is over. many club owners are now questioning the reason and the purpose that they own a gym at all. "it's just not worth it anymore". many will get out.
this is what happens when everyone loses perspective. when there is a witch hunt. and the topic surrounds and encompasses children being abused in any form. but the real question is...does the gymnastics industry have a pandemic problem or disease? NO...society does. does USA Gymnastics have a problem managing this problem? NO...if you know the history and how all of this has evolved within the laws over 30 years then you would agree.
has gymnastics, or any other industry that services children, come up with a device that can detect a POS from coming in to their industry? NO.
are most programs and USAG working diligently to have safeguards in place for early detection of a POS? YES! everyone would like to stay in business and USAG would like to continue providing gymnastics to the masses including having Olympic, World Championship and Pan American Teams to represent the United States of America.
is Dunno angry, saddened, frustrated, disappointed, etc; that we have this cancer at all? YES. and you won't read or hear me defending the perps either. it's indefensible.