At my dd's gym, they have to have the skills by November for January season. If they cannot compete a skill, like a BHS on floor in level 3, then they have to scratch the event at the meet. They rarely have any repeating compulsories, but they have been accused of holding girls back just to win (because they are very successful), but they don't. They actually allow girls who are ready to score out of 1 or 2 levels. All it takes is a quick check on to see if a gym is repeating girls. I have known a girl who came from another gym and joined my dd's team who openly talked about having to stay on the same level for 3 years even though her scores were 37s, because they always kept back about 6-8 girls to make sure they won. I had always heard the rumors, and who knows, she could have been lying, but all anyone needs to do is check that site.
So here's a question, lets say a gym trains their girls well, and by the time season starts, the level 3s are scoring 37-38 AA at their early meets (for example). Do you all think they should immediately move up to a higher level, or stay with their team until the season is over? It wouldn't be fair to make them move up and have to learn and perfect all new routines and compete skills they haven't mastered yet just because they trained well leading up to their season, would it? Just something to think about.