Parents Olympian files lawsuit against USAG physician

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While I'm grateful all is coming to light, it makes me physically ill to read/hear. There are no words. These poor girls would never have thought not to trust a Dr. On their path to becoming an Olympian, I can only imagine the convoluted things he said to these girls to convince them what he was doing shouldn't be told and that it was fine. It is too easy for a predator to take advantage of girls in these situations.

I have talked to DD regarding get these types of scenarios and I will be doing it again. She heads to the ranch for the first time for National Testing soon, and while I'll be going too, I don't think you can be too diligent.

Really sad.
I have talked to DD regarding get these types of scenarios and I will be doing it again. She heads to the ranch for the first time for National Testing soon, and while I'll be going too, I don't think you can be too diligent.

Kids should know all about the buddy system. Always go in twos and threes, do not be alone with any adult when at camp, gym or school. They should also know that adults who ask kids to keep secrets are not to be trusted.
Kids should know all about the buddy system. Always go in twos and threes, do not be alone with any adult when at camp, gym or school. They should also know that adults who ask kids to keep secrets are not to be trusted.
I don't disagree, and these are things I teach my daughter, but I'm also not naive enough to think that nothing bad could ever happen to her. As someone who was abused by someone I thought could be totally trusted, things are almost never that black and white. Sad, but true.
I don't disagree, and these are things I teach my daughter, but I'm also not naive enough to think that nothing bad could ever happen to her. As someone who was abused by someone I thought could be totally trusted, things are almost never that black and white. Sad, but true.

That is the saddest part isn't it. Just know that you are not alone.
My girls were abused by their MOTHER ( not sexually). They will most likely never understand it was abuse and the oldest still idolizes her. If she had done these things to another person's child she would be in jail!
Kids should know all about the buddy system. Always go in twos and threes, do not be alone with any adult when at camp, gym or school. They should also know that adults who ask kids to keep secrets are not to be trusted.
Had an updated conversation with my 12-yr old about this today. We've had several over the years. Penn State happened when she was 8 or 9; Marvin Sharp at 10 and now this. Buddy system -- ALWAYS.

I also reminded her that I trust her and that I would always believe her over anyone else, no matter who it is. Many victims seem to have the feeling they won't be believed, so they don't tell.
It says that in the article in the IndyStar -- regarding the woman who filed a police report in MI. Her mother was in the exam room with her, but that he positioned himself in such a way between them that nothing he was doing to the gymnast was visible to the Mom.
It says that in the article in the IndyStar -- regarding the woman who filed a police report in MI. Her mother was in the exam room with her, but that he positioned himself in such a way between them that nothing he was doing to the gymnast was visible to the Mom.
Ok, that is WAY screwed up. WAY. Excuse me while I go throw up now.
I hope he fries....
My DD was just in that office a month ago. I am not saying horrible things did not happen to others. When we were there he had me video the therapy to show our PT. The room was wide open and I could see every single thing happening. I never felt unsafe for her. I am not sure how he blocked view from the parent.
I also reminded her that I trust her and that I would always believe her over anyone else, no matter who it is.


With all of our children, I have quiet, private, one-on-one conversations every few months with them during neutral moments, to ensure that each one still feels comfortable speaking up to me if anyone is making them feel uncomfortable - even a trusted person in their life. They seem to really like these periodic "Check-ins". I even give examples of behaviors towards them that we would want to know about. I tell them even if (especially if) you feel embarrassed or humiliated to please let me know, otherwise not only does it just start to feel worse, but I can't help you if I don't know about it. I will always support you.
My DD was just in that office a month ago. I am not saying horrible things did not happen to others. When we were there he had me video the therapy to show our PT. The room was wide open and I could see every single thing happening. I never felt unsafe for her. I am not sure how he blocked view from the parent.

I am sure you weren't in the only exam room. And every situation is different. It is also likely that he did not abuse ALL of his patients. I am sure he choose carefully the ones he wanted. And took measures to make it possible to do what he did. It is all horrible. Makes me sick thinking of it.
My DD was just in that office a month ago. I am not saying horrible things did not happen to others. When we were there he had me video the therapy to show our PT. The room was wide open and I could see every single thing happening. I never felt unsafe for her. I am not sure how he blocked view from the parent.

Bear in mind abusers can take years to "groom" their victims into thinking what they're doing is OK. They build relationships where the parents feel safe to leave their kids and go get a coffee. Or for a coach to pick the kid up on the way to practice. If he's seeing a kid every day for rehab, or as part of national squad where there's no parent....

My DD is on National Squad. She goes away to training weekends, competitions overseas, camps with no parents allowed. In a few years she will get physio and medical treatment, drug testing etc as part of that. I don't know everyone she will come into contact with. However in the UK we have very rigorous discovery and reporting systems. There are always chaperones, who have been police checked and trained in safeguarding. We have a culture where there is no hesitation to report someone, however minor. We have procedures in place to escalate to trained personnel. Parents can report, coaches, members of the public can all report through the same channels.

I will always be aware- and I do check DD's phone and who's number she has (coaches can be reported for directly texting/communicating with athletes, and I would report a coach to the welfare officer if they did). She has the chaperone's number and welfare officers, but no coaches or medical staff.
and I will add that as a teacher in the UK, we have a legal duty to report any signs of child protection issues. You cannot pass the buck here and say you didn't know. If you see a pattern of behaviour, a bruise, an inappropriate comment etc etc you are legally bound to report it to your child protection officer.

You are not allowed as a coach or teacher to have an under 18 pupil on your social media or mobile phone. If you need to contact a child using a mobile phone or social media it has to be an emergency (like travel arrangement issue ) and it has to be logged at the club/ school.
and I will add that as a teacher in the UK, we have a legal duty to report any signs of child protection issues. You cannot pass the buck here and say you didn't know. If you see a pattern of behaviour, a bruise, an inappropriate comment etc etc you are legally bound to report it to your child protection officer.

You are not allowed as a coach or teacher to have an under 18 pupil on your social media or mobile phone. If you need to contact a child using a mobile phone or social media it has to be an emergency (like travel arrangement issue ) and it has to be logged at the club/ school.
Technically these are all regulations in the US as well, but clearly not everyone follows the rules. It's an unfortunate truth.

This guy is pure filth and a poor excuse for a human being. In one of the articles he said the girls' accusations were just a "misunderstanding of my medical care"....absolutely sickening.
My DD was just in that office a month ago. I am not saying horrible things did not happen to others. When we were there he had me video the therapy to show our PT. The room was wide open and I could see every single thing happening. I never felt unsafe for her. I am not sure how he blocked view from the parent.

It may well be that those safeguards were put in police because he knows people knew of his "tendencies", perhaps. We can definitely assume he did not target every child, it takes time to win a child over. Horrible but truth.
My DD was just in that office a month ago. I am not saying horrible things did not happen to others. When we were there he had me video the therapy to show our PT. The room was wide open and I could see every single thing happening. I never felt unsafe for her. I am not sure how he blocked view from the parent.
He would often see patients in places other than his office. It doesn't say exactly where this occurred, but it could have been in a makeshift treatment space at a gym or maybe his current office setup is different than what it was when this gymnast was treated.
Most sports docs have private offices within their work spaces, as well as more public treatment areas. This way they can give patients more privacy, or in this case isolate them and abuse them.

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