Parents Olympian files lawsuit against USAG physician

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I'm kinda puzzled as to how USAG terminates their affiliation with Nassar, and Gedderts is allowed as a USAG club, to have him in his gym....any of the folks on the USAG banned list are pretty much banned from any gym when the accusation comes to light ( and then when they are convicted, are permanently banned). I'm missing the part where Gedderts should be at least putting Nassar on a hiatus from his gym while this gets sorted out so that his gymnasts are protected. No offense, but there are other sports medicine docs out there if Gedderts HAS to have one on the property...
I'm kinda puzzled as to how USAG terminates their affiliation with Nassar, and Gedderts is allowed as a USAG club, to have him in his gym....any of the folks on the USAG banned list are pretty much banned from any gym when the accusation comes to light ( and then when they are convicted, are permanently banned). I'm missing the part where Gedderts should be at least putting Nassar on a hiatus from his gym while this gets sorted out so that his gymnasts are protected. No offense, but there are other sports medicine docs out there if Gedderts HAS to have one on the property...
I don't think he's on the banned list, I could be wrong tho
I know he's not on the banned list (yet), but my point is that I'm surprised that USAG is allowing him in a USAG club gym when they put out a statement saying Nassar was "no longer affiliated with USAG".....he is still seeing kids in a USAG club. I would think that Steve Penny would put a kabosh on Nassar on ANY USAG club, camp, training facility, meet etc until this is sorted out. As it stands now, with Nassar still at Gedderts, I think opens them up to huge liability , both for Gedderts and USAG, should any one have anything happen.
And I feel like Geddart HAD to have known all along, even from last year when he "retired" from being the USA team doctor...not only does Geddart work closely with him, but he also has elite girls and is quite heavily involved in USAG.
I have been upset by this for the past two days. It is appalling IMO that this occurred. He is a physician!! Talk about the ultimate betrayal of trust. :( I do have some questions though- I understand that the girls go to these camps starting at a young age without parents- are there chaperones in the "dorms"? I am shocked that there was so little supervision over a minor child that this was able to occur in her room at camp! I also question why USAG didn't instantly report him to the medical board in the state of Michigan? He has a license and is caring for vulnerable populations- why didn't this happen?

Where does it say this happened at camp? In the 43-page filing in the CA case? The reason I ask is because the camp system as we know it today didn't exist until after the 2000/Sydney Olympics. Maybe there were other training camps at that time?
So lemme see if I understand this. USAG terminated its relationship with Nassar in 2015 and told him it was because athletes had alleged that he had engaged in misconduct. Yet no one -- not USAG and not the mysterious "authorities" to whom USAG "immediately" reported Nassar -- informed either Michigan State or Twistars that this individual was being investigated? That is what both MSU and Twistars appear to be saying.

If the alleged wrongdoing that led to the August 2016 MSU student's complaint occurred after Nassar's separation from USAG, that sure looks like negligence to me.

I'd also just like to note that MSU had investigated a previous complaint against him and found it to be baseless. I'd bet they are second-guessing that one right now. Gee, maybe it wasn't just a hysterical girl with an axe to grind.

(Sorry, but this sort of thing just infuriates me.)
Where does it say this happened at camp? In the 43-page filing in the CA case? The reason I ask is because the camp system as we know it today didn't exist until after the 2000/Sydney Olympics. Maybe there were other training camps at that time?

Sorry- I jumped to that- in the filing it specifies leading up to and including national and international meets and that it occurred in her sleeping quarters. So it doesn't specify the camp, but it does specify meets. I am horrified by this. How could this happen?!? Someone HAD to know it was going on!
Horrific is the perfect word. And just like we all discussed when the other allegations came out last month...these girls were scared to say anything for many reasons. First and foremost, I think they were terrified that they would somehow endanger their gymnastics career if they ever said horrible as this sounds, there's an understanding for their silence (and anyone else's silence who was affiliated with USAG and didn't say anything for similar reasons)

Hopefully now that this is all out in the open, if (god forbid) this ever happens to someone else, they won't be the least bit scared to say anything. Like someone else said before, the girls need to be protected first, not the accused....and per many of these articles all the gentlemen at USAG are protecting and defending each other and it's utterly disgusting.
Deplorable! We parents put so much trust in the people that we choose to be our kids'coach that when someone somewhere violates this trust it just makes us all pause. I am so thankful that the coaches we trusted with our dd are some of the good ones out there; so thankful. I do wish that this scourge on our society could be wiped out, but I know that it will take time. I truly hope the victims of these sick people can get some help and can be made whole again.
Sorry- I jumped to that- in the filing it specifies leading up to and including national and international meets and that it occurred in her sleeping quarters. So it doesn't specify the camp, but it does specify meets. I am horrified by this. How could this happen?!? Someone HAD to know it was going on!

And there are all these rules about "no parents allowed, gymnasts must room w/ the team" for the travel to these international know, cause they don't want us CGP's to mess w/ the athletes heads and cause drama that might disrupt the competitions, etc. But then the girls are subjected to predator child molesters while on the road and parents aren't even there to protect them cause you know, WE are troublemakers. That makes me really mad and I hope they start to reconsider those rules for this reason.

And I read that Nassar "volunteered" his time for the National Team - as in didn't get paid for any of it cause he just loved the sport of women's gymnastics so much - that should have been a huge red flag there!
If it turns out that he has been systematically abusing girls and women, I think MSU owes the 2014 complainant a very humble and contrite apology and probably ought to have a look at how they are implementing their investigative procedures. It takes a lot of courage to come forward and point the finger at a prominent and well-loved figure, because you have to anticipate that the first response will be, "Oh, he would NEVER!" I wonder if they went with "it was all just a big misunderstanding," "she [presumably] is a liar seeking attention," "poor thing, she must have some psychological issues that are making her do this," or "she's a manipulative, scheming, vindictive you-know-what."
By the time someone comes forward there is almost always a long string of victims. The process starts small and builds. If the report about doing things in front of a mother are true, and I'm sure they are, I'm betting he was doing this for years.

I think Dunno referred to him a few years ago. Dunno, I'm sure this is difficult for you too.
By the time someone comes forward there is almost always a long string of victims. The process starts small and builds. If the report about doing things in front of a mother are true, and I'm sure they are, I'm betting he was doing this for years.

I think Dunno referred to him a few years ago. Dunno, I'm sure this is difficult for you too.

Speaking of dunno, where has he been? Miss his insight into so much of the world of gymnastics.

And as far as this doctor is concerned, I had watched many of his YouTube videos regarding SLJ, Severs, hip issues, etc., and now I watched some again and almost vomit looking at him touching those girls and demonstrating stretches and physio with them.
I would imagine this to be a very difficult moment for coaches who've been significantly involved with the USAG elite women's programs for the last few decades. I know we have such people, including Dunno, on the site. Please know that many of us are thinking of you all with concern right now as well too.

I don't know what's going to come of all of this, but the sport has so many people who've devoted large chunks of their lives to helping their athletes, ranging all the way from Olympians to brand new L2s, to work toward their dreams. The betrayal of trust that appears to have taken place here is a betrayal of their trust and lifelong commitment as well.
just for interest I googled the Dr accused.

1st result, the Guardian article ( probably because of my location)
2nd result, MSU bio telling me what a great guy he is.

Guilty or not, and we must assume that he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, it should surely be prudent to take down any information and await the outcome of any proceedings ?

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