WAG Some good news (gym and out of gym)

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Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
So some of you might remember that I subluxed my shoulder about 7 weeks ago and I just got the all clear to do everything except for flics and vault (vault I can do in about 2 days). Also got a new skill on beam :) wolf turn! so excited!

Also, Just got my HSC results (SAT equivalent) and I was really happy with them :)
Biology - 96%
Chemistry - 88%
English - 86%
Maths - 89%
French - 92%
Italian -96%
Very good! It's nice to hear good news. Great scores on your tests.
What great news. Always nice to be able to get back in the gym full force (well in two days..lol). And those are fantastic scores. Looks like you are a pretty smart cookie.
Just got our final ATAR score which is basically the score that gets us into uni and I am over the moon!! I ended up with 97.55 which gets me in to almost anything :P and easily into the course I want :)
Well done - brilliant marks!
And yah for getting the ok to train.
So what course are you hoping to get into? Close to home? Good luck!!! With those scores I'm sure you will get into whatever course it is.
That sounds brilliant, good luck with it all. Will you continue gymnastics when you go to university? Is the uni local so you can continue at your gym?
i wouldn't call it local (probably 2hrs public transport 1hr and a bit by car) but I will hopefully continue! I am going to try it for as long as I can as I will be in the gym at least 5 days a week (coaching and training) probably 6 and sometimes 7 (if there are gym parties that I sometimes do). I will definitely continue coaching and doing adult gym (free for coaches!).

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