Off Topic Wanted: pictures of girls on floor

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Geoffrey Taucer

Staff member
Gold Membership
I'm working on putting together banners advertising my new site and services as a sound designer, and I need pictures of girls on floor. I was wondering if any of you will be willing to give me pictures of your girls (preferably on floor) along with permission to use those pictures in advertisement banners. I can't offer any money at this point, but I will offer discounts on my musical services if you'd like to use them in the future.

EDIT: also, if any of you are skilled as graphic designers and would be interested in creating ad banners for my site, that would be awesome. Again, I can't offer money at this point, but I can offer discounts on my services.
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Does it matter what level? My dd is a Level 4 and has a mock meet tomorrow and I was planning on taking some pictures. I don't know how they'll turn out but I'm willing to share them with you.

Let me know!
Any level is fine.

EDIT: I'm going to see about using pics of my own girls first, but I figure it certainly couldn't hurt to have some extra pics to choose from.
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I could offer you pictures of international elite gymnasts. I wouldn`t ask for money, but if in anyway possible for a link back to my site and forum and a copyright sign!?!

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