What a mess..son hurt, 1st meet coming up...yuck!! :(

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My ds landed wrong yesterday at gym coming out of a front handspring...flukey thing, never happened before, skill he doesn't usually have any trouble with at all, in fact, this was during basics. He landed on the edge of his foot, but his body collapsed and he sat right down on top of his twisted foot. We took him to urgent care and he was xrayed and all that, and the doc said he doesn't think its broken, but since he's not a peds ortho, he wanted a second opinion on the xray. He has to stay completely off of it today(no probs there, it hurts so bad he won't even attempt to stand on it!!) then once we have the results back, we will go from there.

We are already all scheduled and planned to drive to Las Vegas this weekend for what was to be his very first competition. We decided to still go...if he doesn't get to compete, at least he can cheer on his teammates.

So, anyway, prayers and healing thoughts would be appreciated...he's really bummed out about it.

****and as a gym family, in two years, this is our first "official-doctors-involved-injury" ;)
So sorry to hear about his injury! I hope it heals up fast and he's able to compete, but better to play it safe if it's at all painful still. Ankles can be tricky and take awhile to heal. Sending positive thoughts for no break!!
sorry to hear that:(
Hope he heals quickly.
My dd will be watching from the sideline as well for a while. It so stinks.
Ugh I am so sorry. It seems to happen a lot, that they hurt themselves on little things like that. My DD rolled her ankle badly on a hitchkick back in November 10 days before her first meet. She healed SUPER quick and competed and did fine with the ankle...we couldn't believe it. So sorry that your son has to sit the meet out. Good for you for still going though! I hope that pain goes away. It sounds like he's miserable!
So sorry to hear about your DS. Glad you all are still going to the meet so he can cheer on his team mates. Please do keep us posted as for what the Pedi Ortho says.
Update....no breaks, says the doc. He says its feeling a bit better, and actually went to practice today...it's their last one before this weekend's Vegas meet. He participated where he could, with coach catching him before dismounts. They are going to wait until Monday morning to decide which events he will compete and which events he will scratch, so he is still having his very first meet...sort of...(lol) and we still get to go to Vegas!!! Thank you for your well wishes and prayers, everyone!! :)
I'm so glad your DS will be alright and maybe compete. We were supposed to be at Vegas too, but my DD did have a break. :(
I hope you can get him to a ortho quickly. My daughter did the same thing before states this year and she stretchered a tendon in the foot, they put a special brace on so she can no longer roll or turn her foot and she could go back immediately to gym. However she is in the brace for a year:( The ortho said the risk for my dd is if she rolled her foot again she could snap the tendon and require surgery but at least she can practice and compete in the brace. Good luck!!
I'm so glad your DS will be alright and maybe compete. We were supposed to be at Vegas too, but my DD did have a break. :(
aawww...where's the dislike button!! I'm so sorry!!! I hope she heals very quickly!!

I hope you can get him to a ortho quickly. My daughter did the same thing before states this year and she stretchered a tendon in the foot, they put a special brace on so she can no longer roll or turn her foot and she could go back immediately to gym. However she is in the brace for a year:( The ortho said the risk for my dd is if she rolled her foot again she could snap the tendon and require surgery but at least she can practice and compete in the brace. Good luck!!
I am concerned about something like this going on, too. We have a new sports medicine/orthopedic facility pretty close to us, and I am going to get him in to see them as quickly as I can!!

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