Dani's 1st MDL Level A Meet Report 12/6/09

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Mar 5, 2008
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Wow---what a day. Well, Maryland had it's first snowfall yesterday and we got about 4 inches on the ground. We left the house early considering the snow and ice. Drive up to Frederick was fine. We get to the meet and Dani check's in and I get a program and scope out a good seat. I look at the program and notice that our gym is not even listed and none of the girls names are in it :confused:. So, I ask the lady at the front why we weren't in the program and she said that there was some sort of computer crash a while ago and data was lost :confused:. So...long story short, we get it straightened out and the girls are good to go for this meet but they didn't reprint a program so we had NO IDEA which categories our girls were in. They have such a high number of level A's this year in the 10 and 11 age groups that they had to break those down further into Age 10 Junior, Age 10 Senior, Age 11 Junior and Age 11 Senior. I found out during awards that Dani will be competing in the Age 11 Juniors this season. That is actually good, because there are 4 11 YO's at our gym so 2 will be Junior and 2 will be Senior. Ok, so on with the meet. They had 16 kids in her 11 YO Junior division placing out to 8th place.

Bars - her routine looked really good :). I was very pleased that she connected everything pretty well, even the kip :D.
Score: 7.60 - no place.

Beam - looked good! A few bobbles here and there and her cartwheel was ok, but at least she stayed on beam!!
Score: 8.80 - 5th place :D

Floor - that spot for the ROBHS is KILLING her score :(. But the routine looked good otherwise, some form issues, bent legs and stuff but a cute routine.
Score: 6.80 - no place

Vault - UGH!! MAJOR meltdown in warm-ups. The vault has been giving her issues for the last few weeks and she has been really worried about it. She balks on every warm-up attempt and she is getting more and more frustrated and upset by the minute. This causes another girl on her team to start crying and getting upset. UGH! I am just praying that no one else catches this "epidemic". Then I see Dani in tears off to the side with an icepack on her ankle???:confused: It turns out that when she was trying to adjust her steps she rolled her ankle. After about 5 minutes she gets up and walks over and gets in line. At this point I am not sure if she is just gonna scratch the event or what. It looks like she is a bit more under control during the first vault and actually makes it over with the coaches help. Hey--gotta give her credit for going for it!! The next 2 attempts were balks and she breaks out in tears again :(. At least she got one vault out of it.
Score: 8.30 - no place

After the meet she was so upset and thought that she did really poorly because her scores were low and she didn't place as well as she liked. Poor baby--my heart goes out to her and I feel so helpless sometimes. This is a new year in a whole new level with TONS of more gymnasts than last year. During the meet I was wondering where all these kids came from??? Anyway, we had a talk after she calmed down and she feels better about it. She understands that it is one meet and she just has to now work a bit harder in the gym on things that need correcting and hopefully do better next time. She is a very intense emotional little girl, but fortunately recovers and gets over dissapointment quickly :). After the meet we went out for lunch and had some of her favorite frozen yogurt--Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt makes everything better!!! Thanks for listening and thanks for all the good luck wishes!!

Here is the video:

YouTube - MDL Gymnastics Meet 12/6/09
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Very cute routines and the leg hold on the beam was awesome. She is very close on that BHS. I have to say she is one flexible girl. So for MD league what level is that considered? Does she get her own routines or is that compulsary for MD league? I have heard of it but don't know much about that league. I think she did a great job!!
She looked great out there! I'm so sorry to hear about her ankle, I will be praying for her. She did an awesome job, and I hope she isn't too bummed out about not placing a ton. Glad to hear that the yummy frozen yogurt cheered her up:D
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Very cute routines and the leg hold on the beam was awesome. She is very close on that BHS. I have to say she is one flexible girl. So for MD league what level is that considered? Does she get her own routines or is that compulsary for MD league? I have heard of it but don't know much about that league. I think she did a great job!!

Thank you! Level A for MD league is considered level 5 in USAG terms. It is basically level 5 skills but every kid has their own routine that they can create. This meet was a lot more fun to watch because all the routines are different! Plus, we didn't have to hear the level 5 music over and over again!! LOL
She looked great out there! I'm so sorry to hear about her ankle, I will be praying for her. She did an awesome job!:D

Thanks! Her ankle is ok for the most part. I think the frustration of the vault got to her a bit and made the ankle injury feel worse than it was.
Thanks! Her ankle is ok for the most part. I think the frustration of the vault got to her a bit and made the ankle injury feel worse than it was.

Yeah, that is frustrating. Well, at least her ankle isn't seriously injured:)
Glad to hear the ankle doesn't seem like it will be too serious of an injury! I LOVED her beam routine, that leg hold was amazing, and her kip on bars was great! She looked like she was having a lot of fun with her floor routine too!
Way to go Dani! I thought her bars looked very nice. Beam was nice, too, love her routine. Wow on that leg hold thing and her dismount. ;) Her floor is going to rock when she fixes those little pointed toes and form stuff and gets that confidence for her ROBHS. It is a really cute routine and shows off her personality and flexibility! Glad she went for her vault after that hard warm up, good going girl!! And we loved her handstand contest performance, she was up there a LONG time!

Looks like the start of a fun season for her. We know she is going to do great!
Thanks everyone!! What I am learning with this whole gymnastics "thing" is that you never really know what to expect. High scores in level 4 does not really correlate to higher scores in optionals. And as a mother myself watching her routines over and over in practice and seeing what I see as "good" or deserving of a high score doesn't necessarily mean that the judges are going to see the same thing. It's all good--we have a baseline now of scores and now know what we need to work on for the next meet.

Next meet is our home meet "Winter Wonderland Classic" on January 9th/10th. Should be a lot of fun!!
Congrats to Dani for getting that 1st meet out of the way! I can't watch the video right now, but I hope her ankle is feeling better (sounds like it is!) She has a few weeks to work before her next meet, so she can work the kinks out!

Good job!
Must be something about 11 yr olds! Mine is very emotional this year too--glad she got one good vault out of it. Hopefully she uses the routines to improve on and doesn't just get upset and more frustrated.
Must be something about 11 yr olds! Mine is very emotional this year too--glad she got one good vault out of it. Hopefully she uses the routines to improve on and doesn't just get upset and more frustrated.

Thanks Cathiann--11 is a tough age! She feels better about the routines--I guess it was just not knowing what to expect for the first meet :rolleyes:. There are lots of little things that she can improve upon (and some big things) and she knows what they are so it is just a matter of focusing more at practices on these little form issues and presentation.
I've got an emotional 11 yr old too! Dani did great! I love the idea of being able to compete with a spot (not an option here) but agree once the confidence is up she will be saying no to the spot. Her routines are lovely I like that they can tailor them to show their strength. Glad to hear the ankle is better!
Wow her beam was amazing. I was so surprised with the cool dismount (many many MANY months of watching level 4 routines have started making my eyes glaze over).

She is so close on that RO BHS...it will come and when it does that score will jump at least a point! My DD had trouble on her RO BHS (nearly did a headspring!) at her first meet this year and fixed it at the following meet and her score went up almost a full point. It is always so nerve wracking at that first meet when you just don't know whether to expect 5's or 9's...and I have had some of both with my girls!;)

It must be so much fun to see all the different routines. Very cool.

She did a great job, she should be very proud. Can't wait to see the first video with the BHS with no spot!;)
I was wondering if she would put that "running man" into her beam routine. I remember you mentioning that last year!

I have heard there are many girls doing both USAG and Mason Dixon this year.

Tell Dani good job. Vault is a scary thing. DD is just getting comfortable with it, and it's her 3rd year!
I commented on the video too, but I'll post a few thoughts here.
I think Dani did a great job! Competing optional routines is a whole new challenge and I think she did a great job of handling it. Her routines looked good for the first time out and I think her scores will see huge improvements when she just fixes a few little things. Not too many big problems, just all of those little things that add up. I'm sure once she gets more confident competing these new routines it will all come together. And that bhs is SO close. Sending some confidence fairies Dani's way because I think that's all she needs. The skills and personality are certainly there!
She was competing lots of new skills and she did a great job with all of them! Way to go on the kip, squat on, cartwheel on beam, handspring vault, all really scary stuff! She looked great for the first time out and should be very proud of herself!
Way to go Dani!!! Looks like she was having a great time.Her new routines are great and seem to fit her very well.
Sorry to be so late with my BIG CB congratulations to Dani:D!!! Great 1st optionals meet!!! Love, love, love her floor routine. So cute, just like her! She has some personality doesn't she?!?! And she really lets it shine through. I really love how both floor & beam really show case her amazing flexiblity! She looks so happy!!! Glad she didn't let the vault get her too down & she still went for it. That says a lot about her determination! She is getting so close to that ROBHS too. I have faith in Dani's drive & determination. This is only her 2nd year of gymnastics correct? She is doing soooo well!!!! Keep up the good work Dani, it's only going to get better & better!:D
Thanks you all so much for the kind words and encouragement!! I think Dani (and I) feel relieved now that the first meet is done and now we know what to expect. She is also very good under pressure. She did break down at vault warm-ups but I was extremely proud of her for choking back the tears, refocussing, and going for that first vault. That is a hard thing to learn as a kid (even an adult). She really does have a lot of fun with gymnastics and "performing" is definitely her thing! And that is really what gymnastics is--a performance. And if she had fun, the audience enjoyed it and it put smiles on the judges faces, then that is all that matters!

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