Doing a giant on the high bar but no flyaway?

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Proud Parent
May 26, 2011
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Is there a way that my dd can incorporate a giant on the high bar but then somehow get in position to do the "pike-off" dismount?

I am sure her coaches will figure it out. For gymnix she needs either an uprise (no way), a giant (she's a pro), or a flyaway (no way, she's terrified) as her required element.

I would hate to see her miss a required element because she can't do the flyaway.

She could do giant-3/4 giant to front support (baby giant), but if she has a really good swing and a solid giant it might be kind of hard to control. I'm pretty sure I've seen that done before though, usually just when a kid can't quite connect their flyaway to the giants yet.
Could she kip out of the giant? (I see that often) or step down from the handstand into the pike off?
she could try to either slow down at the top and step onto the bar and do her flyaway right from that, or she could kill her power and do a kip out of it.
My Gymnast does giant, giant pike undershoot dismount - It's just a case of timing! (She also had the option of the flyaway but she wasn't having any of it!)
Ever think about front flyaway. I'm not saying the flyaway back tuck/pike/layout should be scrapped but it might be another solution.
Thanks all, so there are options is really what I wanted to know. Most of what you all suggested went right over my head, lol. I would never think of suggesting anything to her coaches, this was more to satisfy my own curiosity. It looks like she just won't compete the giant anyway.

She's going to do Kip, cast, free hip, kip, cast, pike on, jump to high bar, kip, cast to handstand, step down, pike off.

Coach knows what's best I guess. *shrug*
What level is she competing. Sounds like P3 to me. If so that routine will fit the bill easily.

Coach probably does know best eh!

Have fun at Gymnix, this is the first time in about 8 years that I won't be there as I am away in the US with the family. Too bad.
What level is she competing. Sounds like P3 to me. If so that routine will fit the bill easily.

Coach probably does know best eh!

Have fun at Gymnix, this is the first time in about 8 years that I won't be there as I am away in the US with the family. Too bad.

It is P3 bogwoppit. Since we don't use the same system, I was "trying" to educate myself on Gym-Can. This is what it says:
CR – 0.5 each
· 1 bar change LB-HB (no value
· Close bar circle element
· Kip – cast to min horizontal legs
together (see clarification below)
· 1 long hang swing element (uprise,
giant bwd, straddle back or flyaway
· Dismount
A Flyaway or B = 0.5
A Others = 0.3

One more reason I am thankful for this place. Gymnastics is SO confusing, lol!

Too bad you won't be at Gymnix, but thanks for the good's coming up FAST!!
You will see that will be a very strong routine for P3, she is young too, so not many with free hips and good cast to hs.

It is a fun meet and I heard that there will be a podium for floor in both gyms. My oldest competed Gymnix when she was younger and loved competing the way international gymnasts do.

Just a word of warning, the food available in the arena is not amazing, so packing lots of good snacks is a must. They usually have a small Subway place (set up for the day) and the cafeteria that has long line ups and poor food with high prices. Seating is very good with no bad views.

Hope you get to see some of Montreal as well.
We are very excited about this meet. The girls are actually going to be doing a training session at a gym in Montreal before the actual competition. Plus the whole hotel stay and everything should be such a great experience. We will have a team dinner one night as well.

There are a lot of people at our gym who went last year, so I have already heard about the food situation at the venue. Plus I also heard that parking is horrendous and a 10-15 minute walk away from the venue.

We have a couple of girls competing PNN elite in the podium gym, and dd is super excited/kind of nervous about the podium. She just hopes to get some autographs of some of the seniors/juniors and see some of that competition.

DH and I have been to Montreal many times, but it might be nice to show the kids a little bit.

Thanks for the advice, I will probably post again about it and any last minute questions I have right before we leave!
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