To clarify for the sake of discussion,
A lab inspections some things very specific and measured. Some things no so much. So a regulation might be to do something periodically. Well what does that mean. Every day, every, week, monthly, twice a year............... We are given clarification on how to decide if the reg is satisfied. I can not site someone for doing less then I would, as long as its periodic by definition
So regarding a height/angle deduction. where say the height should be vertical or angle 180. If there is a range of points to deduct one would expect more points to be deducted further away from the expectation. So in theory someone only hitting 120 should get more points off compared to someone hitting 170. Now 2 judges might not take the same amount of deduction but they should be consistent from gymnast to gymnast. It shouldn't be well I liked Suzy better so even though she only got to 120 I'm only going to take 0.5. And Sally reminds of this kid who was horrible to me when I was 12 so even though she got to 170 I'm going to take 0.2.
I just thought it was interesting that in all the threads about judging I've read I have never heard anyone mention a 0.2 for dynamics.
And I find it interesting that something would be put in any code of points/judging situation with no explanation.
So when folks go to judging class, read books on how do judge, do seminars about judging. They mention you can award or deduct 0.2 for dynamics..... with no explanation.
So someone was sitting in a COP seminar and were to raise their hand and ask what does dynamics mean, what should I look for? Who ever was presenting would say well it can be whatever you want???
There is truly no guidance on what dynamics mean???