People keep saying that the homework issue (and I'm not even saying don't do it) is training kids for adult life. I can't possibly be the only one who has questioned orders and/or procedures from a boss? Can I? I was fairly successful at my previous professions and I always felt free to question if an assignment felt wrong, or even if I felt it could be done better. I've never been fired for doing so, but I have been promoted.
All homework is not training kids for life. "Homework" has a very broad definition. Some is terrible, some is Ok, some is great. And it is very much teacher and district dependent.
Spelling for example. Daughter had one (3rd) teacher, her requirement, 2 exercises due on Friday (also the day of the test). The kids had all kinds of choices, write them in 3 different colors, do them on the computer in different fonts, spell the words in cheerios or using legos and take pictures, write sentences, make a cross word puzzle, a story, spell on your parents back and have them guess the word and a ton more. You could do them any day of the week, just 2 due by Friday.
Next teacher (4th). No homework assigned for spelling. Learn the words however it works for you, just make sure you know them by test day.
This year (5th). The teacher is very rigid. She assigns specific tasks, due on specific days. Oddly (or maybe not) she is the oldest teacher my daughter has had. 30 years teaching, 25 of them 5th grade. She is 2 yrs away from retirement. She is very old school. Told us a story on open house how her (now grown) kids would miss cub scouts a lot because scouts was on Thursday and that was they day the had writing. Me, I'm sitting there thinking why didn't she have her kids do the writing on Wed so they could go to scouts. She is the one I had the battle with. So we now get some work ahead of time. Yeah I'm not a fan of the "because I said so style" of teaching or parenting.
Appropriate homework will help the learning process, with time management and help develop good study habits. As education continues there is more work to be covered. It would be unlikely that you could get through college only going to class. Much work has to be done outside of class. Many college kids have huge issues because they never learned time management and prioritization. Homework helps with this. Also homework should remediate learning. Just enough should be given to see if the kids have gotten whatever concept is being taught. A few problems, not dozens. And in theory parents shouldn't be correcting it. Because its supposed to also provide feedback to the teacher, so the teacher can see how everyone is doing with the concept. Did they get it or did everyone have issues. Then the teacher knows they have to reteach the concept. You don't need to assign a lot just to keep kids busy but some appropriate work is not a bad thing. And work should be given with plenty of time for kids to learn how to manage their time. Amount should be age appropriate.
All homework is not bad. Some homework is not bad. Bad homework is horrible.