That's not all the top scoring girls though. As previously stated girls from tiny regions could go with as low as a 34.0, versus a girl who doesn't go with a 37.7.
Top score at the meet they attended. Really why not just take all the kids best scores per event throughout the season and do it that way. Because after all there might be a 37 who could of been a 38 but had a bad beam day............. Oh wait that is not how the system is designed.
What about the kid who had a bad day at states who is the "best" but had a bad bar day, oops no regionals for her............. Its sports. Any given Sunday.
The 34 would be the top score based on where, when and who they competed with. I'm sure there was a 33.7 who was disappointed too.
The 37.7 got beat by the higher scores at her meet.
They both more or less they type score it was going to take to qualify.
The top from each region goes.
In theory, technically everyone is free to move about the country. 37.7 could move to where 34 is living and beat her at regionals.
Happens in sports all the time. You have teams in the playoffs because they were fortunate enough to be in weaker division. Its a "playoff" type situation. Really you could go undefeated all season and lose a playoff game and you are out, no Superbowl or World Series for you. Same here you qualify for states, how you do at states determines if you go to reagionals, and then regionals determines nationals.
Nationals is about all the regions competing, you take the best of each region.................. Not fair for a "weaker" region to get less then a "stronger" region.
And as bookworm can attest to........... it all seems to even out in the end.
Because until they are all judged by the same judging panel its apples to oranges.