WAG Numbers of L9 and 10s moving from Regionals to Nationals.....something seems crazy!

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Personally I think it would be better for the sport to shift boundaries over an allotment. For several reasons. The lesser regions will only benefit from it. As opposed to taking spots away
I like both.

Clearly based on entries, the regions need to be realigned to more even out the participants.

And a percent is fair, numerically.....
They just need to reconfigure the regions ... problem solved to the best of USAG ability. This should be done by calculating the number average level 10 at regionals over the past 3 years. It's inexcusable that several regions have over 240 level 10 on average and several regions have under 140 on average. NCAA and professional sports do this, not sure why we refuse to do it. But if everyone here on CB calls and sends emails to USAG and demands this they will bring it up for discussion . It's outrageous that one region has 70 10'a and another has over 300....

Thank you, @coachp - this is exactly what I was trying to get at.

It sounds like re-doing boundaries is the only way to solve (and onesies / twosies of girls right now being pulled in when one region doesn't fill their allottment DOESN'T solve the issue - it barely skims the surface of the problem).

The issue as I see it is not only for the 10s, but also for the 9s. 120 9s in one region.....410 in another?? Each sends the same number of girls? And this seems ok to some? How can this be ok?
I was not fully aware of the drastic difference in the sizes of regions. Here is data I grabbed from the regions from this weekend - and these really do show that the boundaries need to be redrawn:

Region 1:
9s - 283
10s - 265

Region 2:
9s - 120
10s - 74

Region 3:
9s - 287
10s - 252

Region 4:
9s - 201
10s - 155

Region 5:
9s - 349
10s - 261

Region 6:
9s - 207
10s - 158

Region 7:
9s - 410
10s - 267

Region 8:
9s - 214
10s - 281

That there has been no effort to redraw the boundaries seems like the outragous issue.

We know girls well and were following girls in both Region 4 regionals and Region 7 regionals this weekend. Let's just say that these girls had immensely different experiences - tiny age groups vs. huge age groups.
For 2 of our Region 4 friends, they were in a L9 age group with just 7 girls (if you get your 34, and you are in). Many of the Region 4 L9 age groups are 12 or so girls.
Our L9 friends in Region 7 had between 25/30 - 45 girls in each age group (even if you are 4 for 4 on your events, you better hope and pray you were better than many others to have even somewhat of a chance to make it).

The issue is the same for the 9s and 10s with vast differences in number by region. It isn't right.
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Okay, so who do we write to have them fix the regions? As we all know, US gymnastics isn't exactly the most responsive organization.
The 10s aren't actually as uneven as I would of thought based on the conversation here.

I'd be curious to see the breakdown of how many qualified IES in region 7. Anecdotal but it seems more common here than when I hear about other places on here. This would also provide some perspective on why R7 has similar level 10 stats to the other big regions.
150 kids in one region vs 222 on another is pretty significant folks ! That's 72 kids split into 12 divisions (and that's the low spread). Thats am extra 6 kids competing for 7 spots. Then look at the high spread 74 vs 281 (almost 4x). It woks take very little effort to split the regions equally (or at least close). Send your letters to your regional reps and CC USAG now (before nationals). Demand a change, you all pay the same so why should you get less of an opportunity for your $.
I'd be curious to see the breakdown of how many qualified IES in region 7. Anecdotal but it seems more common here than when I hear about other places on here. This would also provide some perspective on why R7 has similar level 10 stats to the other big regions.
Don't know about those that intended to compete as IES in R7, but 9 only competed 1 event, another 9 only competed 2 events, and 4 competed 3 events.
Don't know about those that intended to compete as IES in R7, but 9 only competed 1 event, another 9 only competed 2 events, and 4 competed 3 events.

So not that common. Was just wondering. It seems random to have so many more 9s but not more 10s.
Do all regions have the same cutoff to get into regionals? I noticed Region 8 is the only region with more L10s than L9s and I think the cutoff was changed (now higher) for both levels this year (but not positive).
Region 8 did change to a 35. That's the only one I'm aware of though (traditionally it's been a 34 for all the regions).
I know this is all very very very theoretical since it's next to impossible to compare scores from one region to the next. However, this thread got me thinking about lots of things and I wanted to be able to compare SOMEHOW. Below is the list of region 6 qualifers to JO nationals. I have added in NJ and DE athletes based on their scores at region 7 nationals. There would be 8 new qualifiers to JO Nationals (marked with asterisk) and 39 of the region 6 spots would go to NJ/DE athletes which would open up 39 spots in Region 7.

Junior A (3 NY)
Olivia Orland - NorthStars 37.625
Zoe Gravier - MG Elite 37.600
1. Farah Lipetz - Infiniti Elite - 37.450
Love Birt - First State 37.200
Olivia Greaves - MG Elite 36.750
2T. Jayden McDonnell - Infiniti Elite - 36.075
2T. Miranda Smith - Valley - 36.075

Junior B (2 MA, 1 CT, 1 NY)
1. Lauren Pearl - Brestyan's - 37.375
Makayla Green - Bright Stars
Jenna Cashman - Arena 36.675
Brayden Battavio - Star Bound 36.400
2. Jessica Johanson - Gymnastics Express Too - 36.050
3. Sydney Beers - Phoenix - 35.900
4. Alyssa Beaulieu - Roots - 35.675

Junior C (3 NY, 1 MA)
Corinne Bungagen - ENA 38.475
1. Olivia Queri - RGA - 37.825
Ashlyn LaClair - Arena 37.475
2. Talia Little - RGA - 37.350
3. Jenna DeVincenzo - All Stars - 36.975
4. Nicole Riccardi - Infiniti Elite - 36.675
5. Stephanie Berger - Brestyan's - 36.625

Junior D (1 CT, 1 MA, 2 NY)
1. Kelly Griffin - Connecticut Gymnastics Academy - 37.650
2. Cory Shinohara - Brestyan's - 37.400
Nicole St. Louis - NOth Stars 37.400
Lyndsey Rudolph - Bright Stars 35.825****
Isabella Magnelli - ENA 35.550***
MacKenzie Aresta - 35.375 Head Over Heels***
3. Rory Field - World Class - 35.325
4. Renee Schugman - GMG Smithtown - 35.075

Junior E (3 MA, 1 NY)
Amanda Cashman - Arena 38.125
Emma Itoh - North Stars 37.275
1. Simone Kerekes - Brestyan's - 37.075
Tiara DeTommaso - North Stars 36.950
2. Emily Holmes-Hackerd - Brestyan's - 36.800
Colleen Addario - Head Over Heels 36.300***
3. Sydney Lopez - Elite Gymnastics Academy - 36.250
4. Christie Tini - Infiniti Elite - 36.200

Junior F (2 MA, 2 NY, 1 NH)
Vanessa Deniz - Arena 37.675
Ariyana Agarwala - Action 37.275
1. Ella Hodges - Gym More - 36.125
2. Ashley Veglucci - GMGC Centereach - 35.850
3. Olivia Waldorf - GMGC Huntington - 35.700
4. Katherine Shek - Gymnastics At Brentwood Commons - 35.650
5. Larissa Biette - Gym More - 35.625

Senior A (2 MA, 3 NY)
1. Robyn Kelley - Reading - 37.975
Kylie Pringer - ENA 37.725
2. Kylie Gorgenyi - Ace - 37.525
3. Katie Bishop - Mid Island - 37.425
Ariana Agrapides - Premier 36.875
4. Abigail Contello - GC2 - 36.250
5. Eller Bart - Galaxy - 36.200

Senior B (1 NY, 1 CT)
Samantha Davis - North Stars 38.250
Olivia Raymond - North Stars 38.175
Sophia Restaino - North Stars 38.000
1. Alisa Sheremeta - Galaxy - 37.700
Tess Muir - ENA 37.550
Mei Li Costa - Arena 37.350 ***
2. Adnerys DeJesus - Darien - 37.325

Senior C (1 NY, 1 MA)
Simone Banen - North Stars 38.250
Kaylee Quinn - North Stars 38.050
Ava Caravela - North Stars 37.700
1. Amara Cunningham - Galaxy - 37.550
2. Kiera Doherty-Herwitz - MEGA - 37.000
Mariella Miele - North Stars 36.800***
Melissa Astarita - Action 36.500***

Senior D (4 MA, 1 CT, 1 NY)
Rachael Lukas - North Stars 38.775
1. Sierra Demarinis - Roots - 37.550
2. Clare Hampford - Connecticut - 37.500
3. Jordyn Mannino - New Image - 37.425
4. Olivia Zona - 10.0 Academy - 37.100
5. Julia O'Sullivan - Elite Gymnastics Academy - 35.950
6. Charlotte Reynolds - 10.0 Academy - 35.850

Senior E (1 MA, 1 RI)
Alonza Klopfer - North Stars 38.150
Ellen Wylie - North Stars 38.000
Abigail Fletcher - ENA 37.800
Yolanda Nodarse - North Stars 37.450
Monica Servidio - Action 37.200
1. Kayla Baddeley - MEGA - 36.925
2. Jordan Peloquin - Aim High - 36.850

Senior F (1 CT, 4 MA)
1. Alissa Bonsall - Gymnastics Express Too - 38.125
2. Payton Bellows - Tim Dagger Gold Medal - 38.100
3. Amy Shen - Massachusetts - 37.725
4. Charlotte Cooperman - Elite Gymnastics Academy - 37.100
Aryanna Anderson - TNT Elite 37.075
Danielle Lisa - North Stars 36.875
Rachel Kaplan - North Stars 36.825
5. Kylee Black - Elite Gymnastics Academy - 36.950

It's possible that Colleen Addario and Mei Li Costa have qualified via an open spot in region 2, but I couldn't find anything so just assumed they did not qualify.
So your solution to the larger regions not qualifying kids in their own regions is to take away spots from the smaller regions, where their scores might be lower because the judging is tougher? I don't think you can compare regional scores , judged by different panels, like this.
Don't need to compare scores. When you have 64 kids competing all-around at level 10 for 84 spots in one Region, and 250+ competing in other Regions for 84 spots, something should change.
So your solution to the larger regions not qualifying kids in their own regions is to take away spots from the smaller regions, where their scores might be lower because the judging is tougher? I don't think you can compare regional scores , judged by different panels, like this.

No, that was not the intention. As @chalkbowl said:
"I know this is all very very very theoretical since it's next to impossible to compare scores from one region to the next. However, this thread got me thinking about lots of things and I wanted to be able to compare SOMEHOW."

I think that there is some good data we actually have (# of kids by level by region at 9 and 10 who competed this weekend - that is good, solid data) and I think many of us are bothered by this so we want to just mess around to see what happens if we try ____ (fill in the blank).

I think what the needed solution is, is to redraw the boundaries so regions are much more equal in size. But since that might need a miracle to happen....some might just keep playing with the data that we do have even though it doesn't mean squat :)
Don't need to compare scores. When you have 64 kids competing all-around at level 10 for 84 spots in one Region, and 250+ competing in other Regions for 84 spots, something should change.

This argument comes up every...single...year.... USAG must be well aware of the numbers and nothing changes. Like I said before, I'm thinking the organization has more pressing issues on its plate now.
This argument comes up every...single...year.... USAG must be well aware of the numbers and nothing changes. Like I said before, I'm thinking the organization has more pressing issues on its plate now.
USAG being well aware of something being an issue and nothing changes...yeah they are good at that.
I know this is all very very very theoretical since it's next to impossible to compare scores from one region to the next. However, this thread got me thinking about lots of things and I wanted to be able to compare SOMEHOW. Below is the list of region 6 qualifers to JO nationals. I have added in NJ and DE athletes based on their scores at region 7 nationals. There would be 8 new qualifiers to JO Nationals (marked with asterisk) and 39 of the region 6 spots would go to NJ/DE athletes which would open up 39 spots in Region 7.

Junior A (3 NY)
Olivia Orland - NorthStars 37.625
Zoe Gravier - MG Elite 37.600
1. Farah Lipetz - Infiniti Elite - 37.450
Love Birt - First State 37.200
Olivia Greaves - MG Elite 36.750
2T. Jayden McDonnell - Infiniti Elite - 36.075
2T. Miranda Smith - Valley - 36.075

Junior B (2 MA, 1 CT, 1 NY)
1. Lauren Pearl - Brestyan's - 37.375
Makayla Green - Bright Stars
Jenna Cashman - Arena 36.675
Brayden Battavio - Star Bound 36.400
2. Jessica Johanson - Gymnastics Express Too - 36.050
3. Sydney Beers - Phoenix - 35.900
4. Alyssa Beaulieu - Roots - 35.675

Junior C (3 NY, 1 MA)
Corinne Bungagen - ENA 38.475
1. Olivia Queri - RGA - 37.825
Ashlyn LaClair - Arena 37.475
2. Talia Little - RGA - 37.350
3. Jenna DeVincenzo - All Stars - 36.975
4. Nicole Riccardi - Infiniti Elite - 36.675
5. Stephanie Berger - Brestyan's - 36.625

Junior D (1 CT, 1 MA, 2 NY)
1. Kelly Griffin - Connecticut Gymnastics Academy - 37.650
2. Cory Shinohara - Brestyan's - 37.400
Nicole St. Louis - NOth Stars 37.400
Lyndsey Rudolph - Bright Stars 35.825****
Isabella Magnelli - ENA 35.550***
MacKenzie Aresta - 35.375 Head Over Heels***
3. Rory Field - World Class - 35.325
4. Renee Schugman - GMG Smithtown - 35.075

Junior E (3 MA, 1 NY)
Amanda Cashman - Arena 38.125
Emma Itoh - North Stars 37.275
1. Simone Kerekes - Brestyan's - 37.075
Tiara DeTommaso - North Stars 36.950
2. Emily Holmes-Hackerd - Brestyan's - 36.800
Colleen Addario - Head Over Heels 36.300***
3. Sydney Lopez - Elite Gymnastics Academy - 36.250
4. Christie Tini - Infiniti Elite - 36.200

Junior F (2 MA, 2 NY, 1 NH)
Vanessa Deniz - Arena 37.675
Ariyana Agarwala - Action 37.275
1. Ella Hodges - Gym More - 36.125
2. Ashley Veglucci - GMGC Centereach - 35.850
3. Olivia Waldorf - GMGC Huntington - 35.700
4. Katherine Shek - Gymnastics At Brentwood Commons - 35.650
5. Larissa Biette - Gym More - 35.625

Senior A (2 MA, 3 NY)
1. Robyn Kelley - Reading - 37.975
Kylie Pringer - ENA 37.725
2. Kylie Gorgenyi - Ace - 37.525
3. Katie Bishop - Mid Island - 37.425
Ariana Agrapides - Premier 36.875
4. Abigail Contello - GC2 - 36.250
5. Eller Bart - Galaxy - 36.200

Senior B (1 NY, 1 CT)
Samantha Davis - North Stars 38.250
Olivia Raymond - North Stars 38.175
Sophia Restaino - North Stars 38.000
1. Alisa Sheremeta - Galaxy - 37.700
Tess Muir - ENA 37.550
Mei Li Costa - Arena 37.350 ***
2. Adnerys DeJesus - Darien - 37.325

Senior C (1 NY, 1 MA)
Simone Banen - North Stars 38.250
Kaylee Quinn - North Stars 38.050
Ava Caravela - North Stars 37.700
1. Amara Cunningham - Galaxy - 37.550
2. Kiera Doherty-Herwitz - MEGA - 37.000
Mariella Miele - North Stars 36.800***
Melissa Astarita - Action 36.500***

Senior D (4 MA, 1 CT, 1 NY)
Rachael Lukas - North Stars 38.775
1. Sierra Demarinis - Roots - 37.550
2. Clare Hampford - Connecticut - 37.500
3. Jordyn Mannino - New Image - 37.425
4. Olivia Zona - 10.0 Academy - 37.100
5. Julia O'Sullivan - Elite Gymnastics Academy - 35.950
6. Charlotte Reynolds - 10.0 Academy - 35.850

Senior E (1 MA, 1 RI)
Alonza Klopfer - North Stars 38.150
Ellen Wylie - North Stars 38.000
Abigail Fletcher - ENA 37.800
Yolanda Nodarse - North Stars 37.450
Monica Servidio - Action 37.200
1. Kayla Baddeley - MEGA - 36.925
2. Jordan Peloquin - Aim High - 36.850

Senior F (1 CT, 4 MA)
1. Alissa Bonsall - Gymnastics Express Too - 38.125
2. Payton Bellows - Tim Dagger Gold Medal - 38.100
3. Amy Shen - Massachusetts - 37.725
4. Charlotte Cooperman - Elite Gymnastics Academy - 37.100
Aryanna Anderson - TNT Elite 37.075
Danielle Lisa - North Stars 36.875
Rachel Kaplan - North Stars 36.825
5. Kylee Black - Elite Gymnastics Academy - 36.950

It's possible that Colleen Addario and Mei Li Costa have qualified via an open spot in region 2, but I couldn't find anything so just assumed they did not qualify.
if someone just gets a list of all state qualifiers to regionals, it would be pretty easy to shift the states around. Now don't freak out I didn't look at any numbers so I am just throwing this out there. For instance, Utah, , Colorado, Wyoming, N Dakota, S Dakota, Nebraska, all go to Region 2 (looks big but it's not) . Illinois, AR, KS goes to region 4 . WV and TN goes to 5 , NJ goes to region 6, LA goes to 3. Anyways, there are many different possibilities that could pretty much even out the regions for the next 10 years or so.
Region 8 did change to a 35. That's the only one I'm aware of though (traditionally it's been a 34 for all the regions).

Yep. Just looked up last year's regional #s for Region 8 out of curiosity- Last year there were 310 at L10 and 328 at L9, not counting the scratches. Ridiculously there was a L9 age group that did not get filled because of needing a 35 to get to regionals- even though they only need a 34 to get to nationals. But, because Region 8 is so unfairly large, they decided to raise the score to fit all the girls in the weekend without having to do a Thursday session.
Senior B (1 NY, 1 CT)
Samantha Davis - North Stars 38.250
Olivia Raymond - North Stars 38.175
Sophia Restaino - North Stars 38.000
1. Alisa Sheremeta - Galaxy - 37.700
Tess Muir - ENA 37.550
Mei Li Costa - Arena 37.350 ***
2. Adnerys DeJesus - Darien - 37.325

It's possible that Colleen Addario and Mei Li Costa have qualified via an open spot in region 2, but I couldn't find anything so just assumed they did not qualify.

You missed Julianna Roland (NJ) 37.525 in Sr B. Mei Li (8th AA is getting a R2 spot. at least that was what I recall hearing at awards).

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