Question about TOPS scores

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I think dropping the 11 year olds is what made the numbers go down. After everything is put in the computer w the formulas etc...they look for the place where there is a gap in the scores and thats where they draw the line. For example, if there are 100 kids that are in the 75-90 range, then the next group is at 72, they would draw the line at the 75 and thats where the cut off score is. Does that make sense?
That is what our coaches told us as well. Do you think they need to have a certain number of spots to fill to make the "national testing viable" as gymnut has indicated? Also fromwhat you've seen, are the scores this year, higher, lower or pretty much the same. Gymcritter, the scores for rope, sprint, jump, etc. Are scored on a curve. So, until all the results are in, it is hard to be completely accurate on guesstimating those scores. But I think you can guess your DD's scores vy last year's averages and come between 1 or 2 point of her actual score. You shouldn't be too concerned thoug, you DD did very well.
good evenng,

i am wondering if anyone has heard the number of gymnast participating in the tops testing this year?
Does anyone want to play with my daughters numbers, please?
She is 8 and tested as an 8 yo.

Splits 14/15
Shoulders 5
Leg Lifts 10
Casts 9
Vertical 16
Presses 5
Handstand 23.25
Run 3.57
Rope 8.34

Thanks so much, we're so anxious to find out!
Does anyone want to play with my daughters numbers, please?
She is 8 and tested as an 8 yo.

Splits 14/15
Shoulders 5
Leg Lifts 10
Casts 9
Vertical 16
Presses 5
Handstand 23.25
Run 3.57
Rope 8.34

Thanks so much, we're so anxious to find out!

Here are my guesses:

Splits 14.5
Shoulders 5
Leg lifts 5 (or 6 -- I would have guessed 6 but last year's average was over 13)
Casts 9
Vertical jump 7
Presses 10 (I am not sure if your DD got 5 presses or if 5 is her score-meaning she did 2 1/2 presses. If it is the latter, then I would deduct 5 points from the total score)
Handstand 8 (or 9)
Sprint 9
Rope 6

Total - 73.5 to 76

Cut-off last year for 8 year olds was 75. Depending on the pool of 8 year olds testing, she may have a shot. Your DD did real well. Those are very good scores. In addition, my guesstimates could be easily off by 5 points and I might have erred on the side of caution. If I had to guess, I think she would make it this year. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
The owners of our gym are at the Visa Championships so we may not find out whether she qualified until next week- PLEASE HELP!!! The suspense is killing me so if anyone has a rough idea of how she did. please let me know. She is testing as a 9yr old, and she qualified last year. Her scores are as follows:

Splits 12/14
Bridge 5
Casts 7
leg lifts 20
presses 10
handstand hold 60
sprint 3.23
v jump 16 1/2
rope climb 10.0

Hey everyone, I am new to CB. I have not heard anything regarding my DD tops results, so I am guessing she probably did not qualifiy for the National testing. Can someone please play around with her numbers. We would just like to know how she did. My DD tested as an 8 year old:

Test 1

shoulder 4
rt split 13.5
lf split 11
LL 20
Cast HS 8
jump 14
press 5(complete 5)
HS 30 secs
run 3.72
rope 4.69

Test 2

shoulder 5
rt split 13
lf split 12
LL 20
Cast HS 6
jump 13.5
press 5(complete 5)
HS 30 secs
run 3.81
rope 3.56

Gymcoach 34, what's your best guesstimate on these scores for a 10yr old tester..Bridge * 5Flex L10 R10Cast *10Leg lifts 19Presses 6Handstand 24secsVertical Jump 22"Rope climb 8.97 secsMeter Dash 3.19 secsCan you please help with these scores. Thanks

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