Late to the thread.
Maybe there isn't space in the next level or they are tight on coaches as it is (or it will cause drama by other parents if she moves out of her group and others don't.)
Does this last part really happen? This would concern me more than the OP's DD repeating a level for the sake of repeating. How many coaches out there really stop to consider the "Drama" that is/could be created by other parents? This troubles me.
I would hope that coaches consider their gymnasts far more than their parents. Yes, I am a parent; however, I am a parent that has always deferred to the coach because I really trust that he has my DD's best interest at heart. I have been told that some parents 'push' their kid through the levels, or better said that some coaches push the kid through because the parents are pestering him/her. (I'm not talking about DD's current gym.) This troubles me because the kid will inevitably be the loser.
Everyone involved should consider the individual kid for who he or she is. JBS, I'm with you on the team idea, but in reality gymnastics IS an individual sport that feeds into the TEAM. What I mean is that the individual scores all add up to how well the team does. However, the coach has to progress the gymmie based on his/her individual needs. You wouldn't push a level 4 to be a level 7 only because she is the only level 4 and moving her up will now make a team of 2 level 7's a team of 3 level 7's so therefore the gym can NOW enter the team competition would you? Confusing??