WAG Seriously frightened at today's meet

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dd's gym will compete a L4 without the skills that are not mastered.. if there is a child ready to compete and has everything but her ROBHS, she will do just the round-off and take the deduction rather than run the risk of injury.. if she's on bars and can't FHC yet, they'll just omit it.. all our L4's are brand new as all the other girls moved on to L5.. so i hope by the end of the season all the skills will be safe and ready.
She Loves -

Level 9, high bar to low bar release. Very popular. Usually out of a pirouette or some other turn on the high bar; my dd does it out of a hop half turn which gets her another release move. Then there is the whole double back dismount. Then there is beam ... whoo!!

Oh my....so not ready for that!! I don't even think she is practicing that yet. She is a first year level 8. I'll keep my blinders on!!
We saw this over the past weekend! My DD is L5, but the session was split with L4. I've seen some unprepared gymnasts before, but this took the cake. Three whole teams of L4 gymnasts were doing back handsprings on their heads, missing half their bar routine (or being spotted through mill circles and hip circles), and even the beam was scary (and there's not much to it in L4). They all walked away with scores in the 6's and 7's (basically if you had a routine where you could do all of the skills, you won a medal), but really - wouldn't it be better to let them work on skills for another year so they could actually have a good meet and feel successful?
Thank you for the posters mentioning the gymnasts competing the upper levels, some not being ready and it being scary to watch. I was going to bring DS to a meet with upper level girls because we know someone coming in town for one. Now I am going to rethink that one.
My 14 year old has played soccer since he was 3 and I have to agree. Being in the gym is such a controlled environment. Soccer at the upper levels is a full on contact sport with no padding except a small shin guard. Exciting games though. I felt safest when my ds played goalie. I can't decide if it was a good or bad thing that he has now switched to rugby. LOL
Thank you for the posters mentioning the gymnasts competing the upper levels, some not being ready and it being scary to watch. I was going to bring DS to a meet with upper level girls because we know someone coming in town for one. Now I am going to rethink that one.

Oh, go ahead and take him! He should see what upper level gymnasts can do. It will thrill him and scare the pants off of you.
At my daughter's Level 4 meet today, there was one girl from another gym who was bouncing off of her head on EVERY RO-BHS in warm-ups and a particularly nasty one during her competition routine. I was worried for her safety. I wonder if I'll ever become one of those gym parents who watches scary stuff/ injuries without flinching. I admire those of you with nerves of steel.

this is WHY you see some coaches give their athletes Advil and Excedrine Migraine before meets...:)
Oh, go ahead and take him! He should see what upper level gymnasts can do. It will thrill him and scare the pants off of you.
lol! I should have added ds (7) has no real fear but he does talk about that time danell leyva hit his chin and spit out a tooth, that he will never do that skill!

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