As for other countries out pacing us in certain areas
education: this is a continual problem and won't be fixed until there is more competition for traditional public schools - charters, magnets, affordable privates; also remember that we are one of the leading countries for integration of special needs in our classrooms. While this is a great concept for all involved, it does slow down learning for the general population. And at the other end of the spectrum, we don't do a very good job with our advanced/gifted population.
less poverty: the countries with less poverty share their wealth. You might agree with this but I don't, and neither did our founding fathers. the US was not built on equal lives. It was built on equal opportunity to succeed.
healthier populations: . Now, I do agree that states should have systems set up to ensure that everyone is able to buy affordable health insurance. However, I disagree that the federal government has the constitutional right to impose this on the nation. And I also disagree that states have the right to force it on companies and individuals.
When you spoke of the mission and results of the public education system listing challenges they face and suggest competition from charters, magnets, and affordable privates, you seem to skim over the fact that many charters and magnet schools have defined their missions in a fashion that allows them to limit or refuse services to "high commitment" students, and private schools can simply say those services are not what they offer to their customers.
If you were to champion the notion that every school be required to offer services to "high commitment" students at the same price their other students pay, plus any gov money dedicated to ADA, Title 1....... Your dream of throwing them against the wall to see which sticks would be fair.
If you live in an urban area you probably hear what a sad state the public schools are in, and assume that it's gov waste, gov control, and public employee apathy that has created the mess. You should consider a few realities before you drive the school bus over a cliff.....
Many urban public schools in moderate to low income areas are tasked with the burden of cleaning up societies little problems while they educate their students. Kids in these schools show up each day hungry and barely clothed due to negligent parents who would rather not be bothered with parental responsibility. These parents send their sick, lice infested kids to school each day because they can't do some of the sick things they want to do with their kids around. They don't answer their phones when the school calls until a street smart principle takes up the task of KNOCKING ON THEIR DOOR.
Solve these problems before bringing up competition, and stop blaming the "public sector" when the overwhelming responsibility lies at the feet of a "private sector" that simple kicks that responsibility to the side to allow them faster acess to the bully pulpits from which they cast doubts upon public schools.
And would someone please tell whoever needs to be told, that the old saw about being happy to fund public education when it proves itself capable of it's mission is an insult in the face of the facts. Your society has changed, and now you're complaining about taxes being collected to solve problems you can't solve, that are being forced onto public schools by default.
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And just a few words about our founding fathers and equal opportunity. Not having spoken to them lately, I'm left to my imagination to understand their intentions...as are you. I know you'd like to believe this is the land of opportunity, and I agree with that notion to a limit. I have a hard time going the extra step of embracing your position completely because of your statement that the US was not built on equal lives.......
You're so right!!! It was built on the un-equal defensless backs of slaves, who were expoited by bold, strong, proud, heroic people with a vision of a new beginning, some whom we honor with National Holidays and face time on currency. It's no wonder the wealthy want to accumulte more, as they're only trying to put together a big collection of early americana action heros. I'm genuinely sorry, but you've just idolized a beginning that included a well to do gang of self centered, racial supremists, that tourtured, killed, and raped their way to positions of greater wealth and power.
Looks like you just can't trust some wealthy people to keep things in perspective, while others you can. Which is about the same you can say for those who earn their wages or grow profitable businesses, and pay taxes.
I know I'm in the habit of offering a thought to consider, well here it is.......You say that the wealthy would make do if our infrastructure were to vanish into thin air, and that the little people would suffer the most. Tell me who amongst the rich would pony up the money to build a seaport from which they could ship their goods. I would think just a modest deepwater facility seviced by a road and maybe a bridge ought to solve the problem, but rats, no electricity available from government initialized generation facilities. I gotta belive that'll leave a dent of biblical proportions in somebody's wallet.
I guess the industrious super rich will just have to cough up a few more bucks to get their prodution facility back to the business of making goods to sell overseas. They won't be able to sell them here because there are no roads to bring customers to their stores which can't be supplied because the roads are all gone. And forget about them combining their resources to solve their problems......free market competition would get in the way as they falter under the burden of their wealth and greed.......
You may think this an improbable scenario, and I completely agree that it may not play out that way. I think their most likely resolve would be to pull up stakes and take their money elsewhere to best maximize their return, probably absconding with all of our National Treasures, Heroes, and holidays on their way out the door........
You just may be on to something with your complaint about the constitutionality of forced insurance. I suggest you find the best constitutional scholars this nation has to offer, as the Supreme Court is bound to have gotten it wrong due to their own individual bias and liberal mantra.......Whoops, almost forgot about that pesky, conservative chief justice. Oh well, you can't win them all!!!