Personally I just fail to see how either Romney or Obama is anything short of a dismal choice. I wish more of the American public would truly educate themselves on the issues and their options. I wish more American's would put faith in 3rd party candidates, because WE are allowing this 2-party farce to continue. If everyone who doesn't like either of the main candidates actually voted for someone they DO like, we WOULD stand a chance of changing things. I will be votiLink Removedng for Gary Johnson. He has proven he is capable, as governor of New Mexico for 8 years where he left them with a $1 billion surplus. He has, on paper, a plan for the 2013 budget that BALANCES the budget. Obama and Romney are both competing over who will spend more money... what money?? We have a deficit. We don't have the money coming in to pay out more. I also like Gary's fair tax plan, which does away with income tax. That completely removes the debate over whether or not wealthy people owe it to anyone to hand over more of their money. Gary would like to see a consumption tax, and this makes sense to me.
I should also add, before anyone even tries to tell me a vote for Gary is actually a vote for (insert other candidate here) that this is 1- untrue (Gary takes votes from BOTH Romney AND Obama.) and 2- I wouldn't not be voting otherwise, so it doesn't "take away" a vote from anyone.