What do you do with your ribbons/medals/trophies?

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DDs medals are on shelves, and the medals are pinned to her wall/s near the ceiling(sort of like a border):cool:
We have our DD's medals and ribbons in three-ring binders. You can actually buy ribbon and medal pages. You can fit five ribbons/medals on one page and a score card. It is a huge space saver and also keeps these momentos dust-free. We also three-hole punch programs and score sheets and file them with the corresponding medals/ribbons.

Where do you find the ribbon and medal pages for binders? That sounds like a great idea!
Unfortunately, the company that we used to get binders and pages from, Sterling Sports in Massachusetts, appears to have gone out of business. We bought pages in bulk, but are running out, so I am looking for alternate sources.

I did find a Canadian source for medal pages, but I have never used them:

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Don't know where to get ribbon pages. Sorry.

We used to do the push-pin and cork board system, but gave it up after Level 5. From Level 6 on, we used binders, which I think I mentioned is a huge space saver, and keeps things really organized. We are currently working on our tenth binder.
In dd's room, we bought wood letters spelling gymnastics and painted them metallic red, white and blue, and got wood stars with large hooks, painted them to match, and put them right below the "gymnastics". We hang her medals on these. Her ribbons go one on of those memo boards with the crossed ribbons that hold the stuff in. It is a little crowded though. May need a new plan! Trophies go on a shelf on her wall.
I installed curtain rods near the ceiling of my girls room and we hang their medals from them. One of my girls has about 100 and the older one has almost 250, so it was getting ridiculous. Trophies go on shelves over their beds.
I hve my trophies on top of my dresser, and for the medals and ribbons, i bought some cork board squares from zellers, and i thumbtacked all my gym pictures on them, and then I put all the ribbons along the bottom, and the medals hang on top of the ribbons...i see them every time i walk into my room, and its really motivating!
what do u get ribbbons for?

we have medals and trophies in the UK but ive never heard of ribbons... i thought everyone was talking about the ribbon the medal was hanging on because that means something here but then i saw a picture with the ribbons on can someone tell me what they are for?
Aj x
They are just a different kind of award recognition. Some meets give out medals for the top three places and ribbons for the rest, some do ribbons for everything, or medals for everything, it really is up to the host gym.

What I do is I have a wall that I use for all my gymnastics pictures and medals and I use tacks and hang all my medals in a pattern and if I got like two from the same meet i hang those together on one tack. and like placks I hang on the wall so I have a whole wall for just gymnastics

I love displaying all my awards in my room!!! It helps you to relive the meet!!!
I have a shelf with hooks that I got from a craft store and spray painted pink.
My trophies are on the shelf and the medals and ribbons on the hooks. My sister has a similar one, only instead of hooks she has wooden pegs. We bought stencils and wrote her name on it. I works really well and looks nice.
I actually use a quilt rack for mine. It's worked out PERFECTLY. You get the shelf on top, and the rod for the medals on the bottom. :D

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I keep all of my autographs and such on there too.. and some other stuff like meet programs. I love it. It displays everything so nicely. :)
I actually use a quilt rack for mine. It's worked out PERFECTLY. You get the shelf on top, and the rod for the medals on the bottom. :D

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I keep all of my autographs and such on there too.. and some other stuff like meet programs. I love it. It displays everything so nicely. :)

This is the best ideas so far. I love it!
Well, last year at the banquet, they gave out these medal hook things that have a gymnast and 'gymnastics' on it. I have my medals on it, but im running out of room! My mom said she wants to get me something from here: Medalla Designs, Custom Award Displays
They come in a whole bunch of colors. Theyre pretty cool, well, i think they are :] Last year at Circle of Stars in Indy, they had a place where you could buy them. They'll probably have them again this weekend.
I scrapbook my cards and ribbons and I hang my medals and placks up on the wall :)
I bought a white curtain rod and attached it to the wall with decoratve brackets. The pole lifts up easily off of the brackets to slip on more medals and ribbons. The curtain poles and brackets are available in a variety of styles and colors. And it holds alot!! Sorry I don't have a pic. Works great and looks really pretty cos all the medals are hung side by side for easy visibility.
Thanks gymnut1 & AmyCollins! It was my mom's idea. It was just laying around in the basement, and she was like, "hmm... I bet that would make a good medal rack!". :p

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