Out of sheer curiosity, what is that one piece of floor music you can't stand to hear at the gym/meets etc?

Whether you are sick of it because it is overused, or you just plain don't like it for no particular reason.
For me, I have two. I will admit Nathan Lanier has some beautiful stuff, but something about this one drives me crazy when I hear it. I guess I've seen some pretty bad renditions of it.
Also, I dislike most of Lindsey Stirling's stuff. Crazy right? Everyone seems to love her, but the techno/violin combo rubs me the wrong way. She has a few pieces I don't mind but the rest I really could do without.
**As a side note, please no one take offence to this thread if you/your dd has any music that's talked about here! As long as the gymnast and the coach like the music, that's all that matters.