Thursday night DD rolled her ankle when she jumped off of the beam. She was still walking on it, it only swelled a little. DS had recently fractured his ankle, so we have a brace (what they had him wear after he got the OK to stop wearing the boot). I had her wear the brace to school on...
I fractured my ankle while competing floor 3 weeks ago :( I've been out since then and my dr said it could take 4-6 weeks to heal, then physical therapy :( He said it's a hairline fracture and should take closer to 4 weeks to heal. Hopefully he's right and I'll be able to at least compete as an...
I got a call from the Dr today. She had the pediatric radiologist take a look at DDs Xrays. Apparently, DD chipped her ankle and she needs to be in a walking cast for the next 2 weeks! *sigh*
This seriously hinders her birthday party this Bounce U. :(
Last Thursday, my little gymmie sprained her ankle at gym. The details are a little fuzzy between DD and coach, but I think it was hurt from smacking the springboard, not actually twisting her ankle.
Anyway, we got an Xray and the Dr. confirmed a sprain, not a fracture. In fact, she said it...
I posted almost 3 weeks ago about DS hurting his ankle the day before state competition and then after the competition we found out that it was fractured.
We went back to the doctor yesterday. The pain is totally gone, though there is still some swelling. He is out of the boot and into a...
My dd is always complaining about her ankles hurting and ask if she can have ankle supports. I usually just have her soak in Epson salt and take motrin. I don't know much about ankle supports, does anyone have any experience with this? Oh yeah she is lv 4 gymnast doing 13 hrs a week in the gym...
I’ve seen a lot of discussion here about the dangers of ankle weights and the stress they can put on the knees/hip flexors. I just had a question about a particular exercise: I’ve seen a few different gyms use a drill where the gymnast sits in a pike or stag and taps her foot against the...
My 9 yr DD has been complaining about foot pain. Her coaches have been making her vault with her weights on. Could this be a cause of the foot pain. It seems common sense that vaulting with weights on would be counter productive.
with all the talk of ankle weights and the hazards and possibility of injury, it makes me wonder are they ever okay to use or are the risks just two high? I've also heard that it's to do with growth plates so does that mean once you are finished growing ankle weights are safe to use? Maybe Dunno...
My 11y/o dd's coach has recently started making the girls wear 5lb ankle weights during all of their workouts (3 practices per week, 3hrs each) - her back is starting to bother her & I'm wondering if it's because of the weights. I've heard it's not good to wear them that much but wanted...
Okay, quick question.
Kadee has very weak ankles. (She get's it from her Mama..poor baby)It's more her right than her left..and she is a righty. She twists/rolls it often. She has a neoprene brace she wears on it when it's hurting her. (Just a little thin, cheapy thing I got at the store for...
In another thread someone asked about uptraining and also asked about ankle weights, and Bog and a couple of others said no weights at this age. I wanted to start another thread just on the topic of weights.
DD has been at 2 different gyms and even from age 6 at the other gym the girls wore...
My dd's doctor has her in a T1 Active Ankle Trainer Ankle Brace T1 Active Ankle Trainer Ankle Brace (Free Shipping). This allows her to move her foot up and down while not allowing her to twist her ankle. She has been told to wear an athletic shoe to keep the piece on the bottom from slipping...
My daughters feet pronate, is there a way to deal with the associated ankle pain by taping or using an ankle wrap while in practice? If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it.
So I was contemplating between Swede-O's ankle lok and Aircast's airsport.
Which is better for gymnastics/trampoline? protection-wise, comfort and range of motion?
Hey guys, so yesterday I landed short on my RO BHS BHS and overflexed my foot and felt something pop. After not even 5 minutes it started to swell and bruise. My coaches ended up making me go home. I had practice again tonight and did bars and part of beam. The thing is this happened a month...
SO, to make a long story short, i injured my right ankle november 2011 and have to wear a brace for it. Now, there's a lot of pain in my left knee and need to wear a brace for it, too. the problem is, i would look so weird! haha.. but what should i do, favor one, or look like a cripple?
Hi all! I am struggling to find good ankle braces for gymnastics. so I am asking here! I broke my heel in November of 2010 which made my left ankle high prone to serious ankle injuries so I have to either wear the ankle brace my doctor gave me or tape it every day. Well the one my doctor gave me...