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  1. All Chalked Up

    WAG Arched upper back in cast handstand

    My kip cast handstand & cast handstand (both are straight body casts, not straddle) are getting very consistent except for a stange issue- an arched upper back! I almost look like stairs because the arch is happening right underneath my shoulder blades. Everything else (belly, legs, lower back...
  2. G

    WAG Cast handstand help

    I've been having troubles with my cast handstands on bars specifically on where my shoulders need to be. I know they need to be leaning forward but is there any drills or things I can do to keep my shoulders in the right position?
  3. GymnasticsIsLife


    So for everybody who read my last post about my flyaway fear when going from a cast I have some great news! I did it tonight! It feels like 200 pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. I am competing bars this weekend! Yay!
  4. GymnasticsIsLife

    WAG Cast flyaway problems

    Hi everybody I am a level six gymnast and I usually do very well at meets. That is until about last week, when my old fear of a flyaway came back. I used to completely not do it, then I got it! I had to compete the cast flyaway so I got that about two months ago, the I got scared again! I have a...
  5. AlexsGymmyMom

    WAG How to NOT cast over

    Any suggestions on how to not cast over on the high bar? It seems to be a recent issue for DD. I embedded a video from 2 of her recent meets where she seems to go just a little past vertical in her straddle cast. I am also curious what deductions she is getting for not hitting handstand on...
  6. B

    WAG Level 6 bars cast & clear hip deductions

    I remember a post about this from not too long ago but don't remember the answer. Do level 6s have different angle deductions than levels 7-10?
  7. B

    Coaches Cast Handstand issues

    I have a few gymnast that are constantly getting almost to handstand and not making it. Ugh I feel like I gave every correction and drill I can think of ... this is important as they need to turn pirouettes, I've tried teaching early turns in the pirouettes ... but my issue is the HANDSTANDS...
  8. htimcj

    WAG Changing from a straight body cast handstand to straddle handstand

    So DD has been struggling to get kip cast hand stand with a straight body. She has only every tried to do them with a staight body has never even tried a straddle cast UNTIL yesterday when her coach said to try to do straddle up to handstand then giant giant flyaway.] My question is the...
  9. A

    WAG Cast Handstand Fear

    Does any one have any tips for cast handstands? I am afraid of leaning over the bar because I feel like I will just fall right over the bar. Any drill/tips/conditioning that I could do? It's one of my goals for the end of November so all advise is appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)
  10. profmom

    WAG question about kip cast handstand

    This stems from what I hope will be a minor bump in the road for DD that is nonetheless causing some frustration and stress. In her gym (and possibly everywhere for all I know), the girls are expected to start their L8 bars routines from the ground, rather than from the springboard. She's having...
  11. 2G1B

    MAG Woohoo! his cast is off!

    DS fractured his elbow almost 3 weeks ago on the school playground. We went back today, he got the cast off and is cleared to start working on the mobility in his arm. I'm amazed the range of motion he already has! An interesting thing the doctor said was that DS is a "young 9". I said, "He...
  12. 2G1B

    Parents Best tips for scratching with a cast on

    DS is going crazy. His arm really itches and the banging the cast with a spoon trick seems to do nothing. He says it actually makes it itch more. I have given him a benedryl in hopes that it might help some (or make him go to sleep so he doesn't notice the itching :eek:). I hesitate to put...
  13. G

    Coaches Cast to handstand - tips needed (video)

    I'm having a two weeks long summer vacation and so are my gymnasts but I can't help watching videos of our practices and analyzing the skills the girls are working on. We have just recently started to work on straddle casts to handstands. We have used many drills and the casts are improving but...
  14. Clover

    WAG Height versus Form on Cast Handstand

    I have a question for coaches and knowledgeable parents about cast to handstand. My DD has very nice form on her cast to handstand, but she doesn't get all the way up. At her TOPS testing earlier this Summer the judge actually complemented her on her beautiful casts. However, she didn't get...
  15. Gymfinn7

    WAG Cast handstand, and giants help!

    Hello! So currently at the moment I'm suppose to compete level 6, which isn't bad but the only thing keeping me from going to Level 7 is my cast handstand and giants on bars. Whenever I try my cast handstand I "lock" my shoulders so that I can't get all the way to handstand, not to mention that...
  16. N

    WAG Sole circle vs Cast underswing

    If you had to choose one dismount for your team which would you choose?
  17. htimcj

    WAG Cast requirements

    So I am confused again! Seems to be a constant state since DD moved to optionals! So the COP states in the general bars section that all cast need to go to vertical but when you look at the specific requirements for level 6 and level 7 it specifically states for level 6 1 cast min of...
  18. Committed

    Parents Cast coming off today!

    Whoo-hoo! It's been a long month. DD had a dream that it wouldn't be completely healed when she took it off, so she's a bit nervous. I told her not to worry, if it wasn't healed, we wouldn't get a new cast on immediately. I would take her home, put her under a hot shower, and then go get the new...
  19. Committed

    Parents pain when cast comes off?

    DD gets her cast off next week! YAY!! How much pain is she going to be in when she gets it off? When she was 2yo, she had a full leg cast, and cried for a few days after it came off. However, that was a full break, and her leg was completely immobilized. Now, her walking cast only goes to her...
  20. ABCTechnique

    Coaches Straddle Cast vs. Straight body Cast

    I notice the coaches in my gym are teaching just about every kid that comes across them a straddle cast to handstand. I feel like they are doing it because it's just easier then teaching the straight body. They are even teaching the smaller kids (not younger, smaller) kids to straddle. What...

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