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  1. D

    WAG Wrist shift in mill circle

    Does anyone have tips for the wrist shift when coming back up from the mill circle? No matter what I tell's like my hand won't move!!
  2. Clover

    WAG Toe Circle in Level 7

    Can a toe circle be done in a L7 bar routine? Is it considered a skill/element? Or is it just something to do in lieu of a squat on before jumping to the high bar? DD loves doing toe circles, so I was just wondering. Thanks!
  3. D

    WAG Level 2 Daughter Just can't get her stride circle

    So my daughter has a nasty habit of 'sitting' on the bar before she 'falls forward' for her stride circle, making it practically impossible for her to get her stride circle. She knows that she shouldn't sit on the bar, but I think that fear has created a bad habit that she is now unable (at...
  4. A

    WAG Sole Circle release to low bar? Level 9

    My daughter is a level 9 who was out with an injury for over 3 months. She recently began practicing again and has competed one time. When she competed she did not do her overshoot as she is having fear issues right now. She did a pirouette and took the deduction for only having one bar change...
  5. kaloss

    Parents Front hip circle help...again

    My daughter is really struggling with her front hip circle. I know it's all about timing. She has done bar clinics, private lessons, and regular practice working on them. She seems so close, but ,keeps dropping her hips away from the bar. We tied her to the bar today (like a strap bar, right...
  6. gymnasticswim4

    Tips on mill circle?

    When I'm doing my mill circle, I'll do the rotation, and get to the top, but then I swing back down. Tips on fixing this?
  7. G

    WAG Stalder vs. Stoop Circle to Handstand

    My dd has been having trouble getting her Stalder. She told me last night that lately she has been working on Stoop (Sole???) Circle to Handstand and has not been working on her Stalder. Would this be a replacement or an intermediate step? or would it be going a totally different direction? I...
  8. Ariekannairb

    Parents Front Hip Circle Conquered!

    Well, it can definitely be prettied up, but she consistently completes the skill now! #proudgymmom
  9. D

    Front Hip Circle, Bent Legs

    So I recently got my front hip circle, but my legs and arms are bent. I try to tell myself to keep my legs straight throughout the skill but for some reason they always bend or I just flop off the bar and don't make it all the way around. Does anyone have any tips or drills?? Thanks!
  10. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches vault arm circle...?

    For levels 3 and 4, is the vault arm circle a necessity? Last I remember I thought it was optional?
  11. A

    Coaches Deduction for lack of arm circle Level 2 Vault?

    I don't have the book with me right now, but I was wondering about the deduction for a lack of arm circle for Level 2 Vault. I have a gymnast who has a great vault, but doesn't circle. When she does circle, her vault slows way down and is just generally not as explosive. We will keep trying...
  12. G

    Coaches slow front hip circle

    I have a gymnast having some issues with this skill. She rotates incredibly slow. Any suggestions to get her moving faster?
  13. gymnasticswim4

    YAY!!!!!!!! I GOT MY BACK HIP CIRCLE!!!!!!!!!

    Today I finally got my back hip circle! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!
  14. billise

    Parents Finally Front Hip Circle!!!

    So excited I just had to share with people who would understand... DD (age 6, level 3) finally got that elusive FHC! I had heard horror stories about the mill circle but DD managed to that skill in about 3 weeks. The stories I heard about the FHC didn't seem nearly as bad so I figured she'd pick...
  15. amblan01

    Got my back hip circle!

    Got it on the second try! But since I use palm protectors and I don't have a very good grip on the bar I have to tuck my thumb under the bar and if I don't tuck my thumb then I don't have my back hip circle. Its a grip issue. But yeah I got it right in front of our coach! Sent from my DROID...
  16. A

    WAG sole circle

    I am working on sole circles (not the dismount), and I always peel off and land on my back. I do have dowel grips by the way. I will try to get a video, but i will be at camp all this week, but maybe i could get one later. any tips? thanks in advance :)
  17. N

    WAG Sole circle vs Cast underswing

    If you had to choose one dismount for your team which would you choose?
  18. J

    Circle up help!?

    I can't remember what it's called when you hang from the bar and bring your feet over to have your hips on the bar but I can't do it! I get my feet to the bar and then I can't push any further! How can I learn to do it!?
  19. J

    Back hip circle help!?

    I can't do a back hip circle! My arms bend and my hips fall away from the bar every time I try!
  20. GabbyNastiaShawn00

    WAG Back Hip Circle Help!!!

    I'm training level 4 (new level 3) and I CAN'T get my back hip circle!! I can do it with a spot, but not by myself. Every time i'm doing it by myself, I fall under the bar. My coach keeps telling me that I need to get more momentum from my cast, and that I need to keep my hips to the bar, and I...